So I recently moved all my houses to give my villagers a bit bigger yards beside their houses..they have about a 4x3 space. I was hoping I could see some of your yards for some inspiration for decorating.
For the record I have Punchy Pierce Cherry Willow Meringue Maple Gala Reneigh, Skye and Ketchup.
you can visit my island if you have time, DA is in my signature.
each villager has a personal yard according their personality.
hope you will have a pleasant dream ^^
I gave my villager yards based on their dream jobs. Lucky has a doctor's office, Melba has a desk with lots of books (to be a professor), Tangy has a barber shop...
I have a bit bigger space (I think around 10x8 including the house), but here is the type of thing I do with most of mine. I like to give them somewhere to sit and then an item that matches their aesthetic, house, or personality.
Not necessarily the best pictures, but here are three villagers yards of mine I like: Maggie, Agnes, and Tabby.
not a great view, but he is one more of Soleil’s
I am by no means an expert, I mostly just fiddle with things until I like how it looks, but one thing I do is look a real life gardens and yards for inspiration, in particular I look at how they balance dimension, and layers to create a rich feeling look.