Villagers for adults?

Aug 11, 2020
Mother's Day Carnation
White Cosmos
Celeste Chick Plush
White Cosmos
Mother's Day Carnation
I was scrolling my news feed (with a natural sprinkle of animal crossing-related news articles) and I found this anomaly. What are villagers for adults you may ask? Well according to screen rant ones with some references to adult shows or appear to be intoxicated. This is super strange and I warn you that reading this has ruined my impressions on some villagers.

If you have any of these villagers would you agree with what this article says? Or maybe are you shock that screenrant is just trying to pull content from nowhere.

(Caution it is weird to read)
I'd argue that most of these villagers are stretches except for Tiffany, who is most definitely a playboy bunny. Japan is known for being "weird" in this regard; take Bulma's playboy bunny outfit in Dragon Ball!
I can see when Tiffany but most of the others not really.
I mean Limberg and Harry are listed there just because they are ugly.
And it looks like Rodeo has a lot of other characters have the same characteristics ( hopper, roscoe ).

Jitters just doesn’t look adult-ish.
I think they are largely picking on 'ugly' villagers here honestly, but like everyone else I can definitely see why Tiffany's on that list. I don't think I've ever had her but she's definitely got that specific 'adult' vibe!
I’m just wondering why the person who wrote this feels this was necessary. I’m also laughing at their idea of what “adult” is. We’re so quick to think something raunchy or drugged out. I spend more time around people like our favorite business cat Raymond than anyone else with the characteristics on this list. Some people’s minds are kinda messed up! Tiffany is the only one with an adult vibe, the author just needs to say they don’t like the stereotypically ugly villagers and go.
Oh...its a Screenrant article...nothing to see here!

But, seriously...the animals in AC are for EVERYONE. Limburg and Harry are for adults because they look like old men and have beards?! Tiffany is for adults because she is inspired by a playboy bunny?! What childish nonsense.
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I agree with Limberg. He was a random move in on my island when I first started. He looks like a drunk to me, he always had a can in his hand, and his voice is deep like a smokers voice. He just reminds me of people I know who spend a lot of time at the bar.
I have to say though, he is my favorite villager so far in this game, and I regret letting him leave.
Haha like practically everyone Tiffany looks a lot more for adults than everyone else. But I feel like someone that would make an 'adult' island would make it into a playboy mansion island 😬. At least from what adult themes are haha
i do gotta say, jitters looks like he's seen some stuff he cant unsee. those eyes scream fear, not drug addiction to me
I want you all to know that I just found Tiffany in my New Leaf campsite! This thread cursed me. 😂👌🏻

This also showed up in my feed! I thought the whole idea was really odd, and just Screenrant coming up with something for content.

Like others, I understand with Tiffany. But in all honesty, it's a game in which all the villagers are supposed to be sweet and kind. So just let them be sweet and don't make them something they're not! :D
Honestly, it's clickbait. Screenrant is one of those clickbaity sites with garbage articles. Tiffany I would kinda agree but the rest? Nah.
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Uh... I'm not gonna read that article. Tiffany would fit that theme but I don't know any other villagers that do. Oh well, that's the weird part of the internet for ya.
The Rodeo one made me laugh. His eyes aren’t even red in this game, they’re hot pink lol. They butchered him like they did with the blood in danganronmper or something (i dont play, but apprently in the games the blood is hot pink instead of red so it can get a lower age rating. I assume they did this with rodeo too since red eyes would be too scary or smth?? idk but screenrant definitely pulled this out of their behind. i blame nintendo for lack of content so articles like this start happening lol
🤨 <——— my face the entire time lmao.

honestly, i feel like screenrant was sort of grasping at straws here; while tiffany is incredibly mature-looking, i’m having a hard time understanding why the others are apparently geared towards adults more so than other villagers, just because of the way they look. limberg being on here because of his ‘stinky traits’ lowkey made me laugh but like,, adults are capable of having bad hygiene habits, too, and i don’t think a mouse made of pixels is gonna change anything. if i’m understanding correctly, harry’s on here for having facial hair but if that’s the case, beardo, gaston, etc should also be on here. and jitters, well,, he definitely looks on edge but that’s the whole point; his name is literally jitters.

overall, while this was fairly entertaining to read, it also sort of feels like they didn’t have anything else to write about so they went with this. 🥴