Looking For Villagers for reset town theme! FT: Villagers, Bells, Furniture, TBT


Big Nerd
Sep 13, 2018
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
100% (30) +
Hello! I'm resetting my town and thinking of doing a soft horror theme. For this, I need a few villagers:

Looking For:

  • Acquired Rasher!
  • Dobie
  • Spike
  • Acuired Muffy!
  • Pietro
  • Acquired Stitches!
  • Zucker (He might not be spooky, but he has the color scheme I need and he's my absolute top level dreamie)
  • Coco (Getting Next!)
  • Raddle

I have villagers for trade (ORIGINAL):

  • Cyrano
  • Tank
  • Flo
  • Apollo
  • Bree
  • Beardo
  • Lucy (mostly original, she put a bug in her house)
  • Gala

I just reset the town, and accepted bells in installments, so if you want millions of bells, well, it'll take a while. I'm no stranger to Time Travelling, but I do have to make sure Lucky doesn't move out and my town doesn't go horrible.

I also have plenty of amiibo items I can trade! Here are the amiibo I have (and by extension, their furniture):

  • Isabelle
  • Rover
  • Kapp'n
  • Celeste
  • Lottie
  • Kicks
  • Villager (Smash Bros)
  • Inkwell (Splatoon furniture)
  • Ganon
  • Sheik (Epona's funiture)
  • Toon Link (Medli's furniture)
  • Jingle amiibo card

I'll also pay what TBT I can! I know I'm not rich, but I'm gonna at least try to get my dream village with what I have.

Please like the post to notify me if you reply! I'm very scatterbrained. :)
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I'd love Stitches! I've already added you! I'll give the TBT once I'm on the train to your town.
Great, I'll box him and add you now. I;l let you know when my gate is open. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

My gate is opened and you can come over when ready. c:

I'll be afk so you can just come and go as you like. Let me know here when done
hi, I have Rasher! u can have him for free, but he’s not original.
Really? That's super cool of you! I don't care about originality, lol. Added you!
Hey, I have Coco in my town. She's original and you can have her for 25 tbt. I know you don't have the tbt at the moment, but happy to let you adopt her first and then you can give me the tbt after. c:
Really? I'd love that! I can pay you what I have now and earn another 13 bells to send you again when I get them.
Actually, I think I just earned enough bells to pay for Coco in full! Just tell me when you're ready and I'll come over to pick her up and pay!
I have all the amiibo cards that you need. Let me know which ones you'd like to get from me, each villager costs 25 TBT. (I'll make sure they're original)
Great! I can box Coco for you right now. I'll let you know when my gates are opened. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Coco is in boxes and my gate is opened!
Okay! Give me a little time to cycle out a villager so I have room. I just recently did a trade. I'll carry it out as speedily as possible. Sorry for the delay!
I am! But I'm currently trying to get rid of Tank so I can move in Coco first, and then move out another so I can move in Raddle! I'd be very glad to have him, but it'll take time! What would you like for Raddle?
I am! But I'm currently trying to get rid of Tank so I can move in Coco first, and then move out another so I can move in Raddle! I'd be very glad to have him, but it'll take time! What would you like for Raddle?

Sure, just remind me when you're ready for him otherwise I'll forget lol! Would 10 tbt suit you?
That's perfectly fine, thank you! I'll PM you when I'm ready to pick up Raddle! I'll then pay as well!
I know I have Zucker, I just had a villager move out, I can time travel and get him in boxes?
I'm super new to this :' I'm not really sure how to do all of this if you wanna pm me and we can figure this out lmk!