I'm just wondering if you guys focus your villagers around your island's theme? I'm doing fairycore (only just started on it a couple weeks ago though), but my villagers are:
Raymond Fang
Audie (soon to be Chai lmao)
Stitches Julian
I've bolded the ones considered "fairycore", and I do have 3 smug. I love my 3 boys (Julian, Marshal, Raymond) and I got Raymond for free on release last year...but their sentences are always repeated, and I don't have a jock or uchi/sisterly villager. Should I remove Raymond (to my heartbreak) and the others considered "non-fairycore" and get types I don't have and more fairycore-esqe villagers?
I say you have to do whatever makes you happy.
Don't force yourself to rules you're not enjoying. Themed islands can be cool but you're the one who has to live there.
Dont keep villagers that you aren't enjoying due to personality types. You're the one who has to talk to them.
Personally I would get rid of Julian because I dislike him
I definitely agree with the above post. Do whatever makes you happy. I personally don't really care for Raymond, and wouldn't keep him as a permanent villager. On the other hand, if you have 1 or 2 favorites that don't particularly match your islands theme, it doesn't really matter. No ones gonna look at an island that is well decorated and be like "... wow, if only this island didn't have *insert villager's house here*, otherwise it would be great." Do what your heart tells you, design wise and villager wise.
I agree with @Moritz and @BalloonFight about keeping the villagers that make you happiest, if you replace Raymond with a villager that you don’t really like in order to have the sisterly personality then will you enjoy seeing them around the island? Also do you currently not have a sisterly villager because there wasn’t room or because you didn’t like the personality or the villagers with it? I know many people like having all personalities but I don’t personally like the sisterly or jock personalities enough to have them so I just stick to the other personalities. Three of one type can be very repetitive so maybe it’s worth letting one go if you’re not enjoying having them all say the same thing constantly but if you love all 3 of them and feel there is no other villager you’d be attached to the same then I’d keep them.
Also I think it’s fine to keep Raymond despite not fitting into the theme, it’s hard getting 10 villagers you really like to fit a theme so it’s better to have some that don’t match it but you love them rather then some that do match it that you’re indifferent too. Also you’ve mentioned replacing Audie with Chai (great choice!) but are you planning to keep the others that aren’t in bold? I think that Raymond still fits in well on your island with Melba, Beau and Stitches, they could just be a group of friends that went travelling and fell in love and moved to a fairy island.
So keep Raymond and have 3 smugs if that’s what makes you happiest, I wouldn’t worry about missing a personality or him not matching the theme if there isn’t enough villager you like as much or more as him
I'm of the opinion you can make any character fit a theme with clothes. Give Raymond a wizard's robe or fairy dress and he'd be fairy core. (Just don't pay attention to his house interior.)
If there's no jocks or uchis you really want, I wouldn't worry about it too much.The dialogue is a bit different, but not a huge deal imo.
hmm well I agree that you shouldn't remove them just because they don't fit your theme, I would definitely keep Raymond if you love him because he is just so hard to get. I also understand having 3 smugs is a lot, but seeing as you love them you should keep them! I have both Erik and Beau, they are kinda similar but to me they are also very different! don't worry about your theme if you love the villagers ^-^ I also have both Chief and Fang, but I still love both and think they have their own persona!
though I do agree that certain villagers don't go well with certain themes (Raymond excluded lol he is so cute he gets a fairycore pass) I think it's mostly just about finding a way to work with their houses, and decorate them in the theme you are looking for. You could also give your villagers cute clothes that fit both your theme and their personalities!
and for the personalities, you only need all personalities to get the diy's from them, if you already have most (villager given) diy's that you want then I wouldn't care, you can always trade diy's with other players! I do understand that the repeated dialogue is kinda annoying, I just hope they will fix this in the future
I would say do whatever would make you happy in the game. For me, it has to match my theme all throughout. I try to go for villagers that will fit in in my town aesthetics. Mainly I focus on appearance ( how the villager looks, and how the house looks ). I go for villagers that are black coloring or grey coloring. For me, personality is nothing. I don’t really care if all are the same personality. However, their appearance is everything to me.
My theme is gloomy, so I like if they all look consistent and blend in well.
I sooort of do, my island is a candy themed island but I do have a couple of villagers that don’t necessarily fit that theme. Merengue definitely fits my theme though, however I do have a couple of cutesy villagers living on my island like Chrissy, Merry, Etoile and Sherb. So I guess you could say it’s a mix between pastel villagers and one food villager. All the other “food” themed villagers i’ve come across I haven’t really clicked with TBH. I am considering getting Apple though.