Villagers waking up early?


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2017
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
I normally play the game in the mornings on days off, at around 8 AM here. Sisterly villagers normally wake up around 9:30 from what I remember and can find on the internet but today Cherry was out walking just now (8:20 AM) and when I went to talk to her she said she’d woken up early to tend to her flowers.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before in Animal Crossing; is this a new detail or have I just not seen it previous games? It’s pretty neat either way. :]
If i’m remembering correctly I think since AC on GC each personality has had certain hours they were awake and certain hours they were asleep. Like in AC on the GC cranky villagers would be up most of the night and normal villagers had a more conventional bed time.
All villager personalities seem to have a designated wake time and bed time, but occasionally there will be an instance when they are up early or stay out late.

I usually don't play early in the morning, but I do play late at night, and sometimes villagers stay up past their bed time.

Occasionally I'll have a normal villager up past midnight, and they will mention they weren't able to fall asleep. One time I think the dialogue was even something like "Are you surprised to see me up walking around the island this late?" I've also seen lazy villagers stay up past 11 pm and their dialogue is something about drinking too much coffee.

I'm not sure if it's the previous games, but it's a cool detail!
From what I can tell, Normal villagers wake up at 6a, Cranky at 9:30a, Jock at 7a, Lazy at 8a. I'm not sure about the other groups. Exceptions apply when a villager wakes up early to craft, or in those rare instances they do wake up earlier than normal just because. In that case, they're up REALLY early.
It's rare but villagers can wake up earlier than their scheduled times. I've caught Diana awake at 7am before and seen Reneigh up at like 8am
i’m not sure if it’s a new feature or not but i think it’s neat! i’ve actually had some of my villagers occasionally pull an all-nighter, too. :’o
That's cool! Once, Coco was awake at midnight and nearly gave me a heart attack. Was a bit of a shock, not gonna lie.
I love when my villagers are up early. I play every day at 7am and it’s annoying how most of my villagers are still asleep.
It's been in the game since release. I wake up at 5am for work and have seen this countless times.
I logged in at 6:00 this morning, and both Gruff and Dobie were awake. Gruff was crafting and Dobie was wandering around near the plaza. Lionel was up early a few days ago, saying something about how he was fine in the morning air, but would probably pay for it later in the day (paraphrasing).
I have Judy, a snooty be awake at 5am before just recently. I thought it was really odd but she was also crafting I think. Normally when I play at 5am I don't come across any villagers, which I like cause they sure do like to get in the way. Hence, why I'm playing at 5am.

I'll have to see if any other of my villagers do this.
I normally play the game in the mornings on days off, at around 8 AM here. Sisterly villagers normally wake up around 9:30 from what I remember and can find on the internet but today Cherry was out walking just now (8:20 AM) and when I went to talk to her she said she’d woken up early to tend to her flowers.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before in Animal Crossing; is this a new detail or have I just not seen it previous games? It’s pretty neat either way. :]
Yes! I agree, its so cute, and for the record this has been around since ACNH release (dont know about older games tho). I've noticed a handful of times during the past year that one villager will wake up between 4-6am with some sort of reasoning behind why they are up so early. Diva (my uchi) also told me once she was up early to water her flowers, and another time told me she had some sort of crazy dream and couldn't fall back to sleep? Maybe I'll dig through my screen shots to find it, since this has happened to my other villagers of different personalities. Another example I remember is Flora my peppy being awake at 3am saying she was pulling an all nighter or something because she drank too much coffee. Again, I don't remember her words exactly so I'd have to find my old screen shots haha
I've noticed this too! I also have heard the excuse that they drank too much coffee and couldn't sleep! It's always a nice surprise to run into a villager really early or really late at night! Some of my favorites are normal villagers, which typically don't stay up really late. So, it is nice to sometimes see them out later than I would ever expect them to be out in New Leaf! There really are a lot of good things about this game!