Villagers with flower names

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Toy Hammer
Blue Train Engine
I can only remember Lily and feel dumb, I know there are others. But I can't remember the others with flower names

Sorry for the rando question. Its for an island revolved around flowers.
There's Poppy and Daisy too. c: I can't remember if there are others right now though. o:

Edit: Violet! I remembered her just as I posted this, oops.
There's also Cherry (if we're counting cherry blossoms as flowers) and, more covertly, Rosie. There's also a few villagers named for plants in general, like Apple, Gala (a type of apple), Mint, Peaches, and Willow. And yes, -Blue-, Fuchsia is a type of flower.
agree w above - that's all 8, for the other two you could do something nature oriented like others have said, hazel or pecan or yuka, etc.

also, ones who have flower themes but are not named flowers include: maggie and sylvanna.

best of luck with the island ! a fun idea!
Daisy, Poppy, Violet, Azalea, Cheri, Cherry, Rosie, Flora, Maple, Mint, Olive, Willow... these slowly transformed into plants lol.

June isn't a flower name but it's summery and she wears a hibiscus in her hair. Tangy isn't a flower but she does have a leaf on her head.