Villagers you just can't connect with?


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2014
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Whitney was one of my originals when I started the game, I had her in my gamecube game and liked her a lot so I was happy to have her again. I talked to her a lot, and sent her gifts and shirts often. But she never wore the shirts or ever took the gifts and used them in her house. When she did, it was rare. She never really talked to me about different things... it was basically the same thing over and over again. She came off as super snooty and stuck up towards me and I was happy to see her sold for 7mil. Screw that wolf. >:| Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?
I've connected with most of them, and i have three towns.I can't seem to connect with dierdre though.I'm not really sure why.
I really wanted Tia, bought her, moved her in , etc. I had her for a month or two than resold her because I just didn't find myself talking with her much. I didn't get happy when she crossed my path, and I don't know why since I wanted her so bad. Maybe it's because I found out how popular she was and she lost that special something. I don't really know.
I really like Ankha but now she is the last one I ever go talk to. I don't know, I might get rid of her soon or put her in my other town.
Molly is super adorable, but I don't talk to her as much as my other villagers. probably because I had Skye before I had her and I went through so much repetition of the normal dialogue until I finally got Skye's pic. iuno. hoping she'll grow on me though >:
I had this issue with a couple of my villagers, mainly Merengue and Tia. I adored Tia looks wise, but once I had her in my town she was just .. blah. I had Merengue for so long that she just was the last villager I ended up talking to at the end of the day - I ended up giving her to a friend who really adores her.
Ankha just moved into my town and as she's a cat villager I was super excited but I dunno, there's something about her .. to be fair she is a snooty
Marshal moved into my first town, and even though I tried really hard, I just couldn't really care that he was there. Like, he was super cute and everything, but I just couldn't get myself to care. : /
I had Mira move in to my town because I like her design so I wanted to see if I'll like her as an uchi. Sadly no mater how much I talk to her or try to like her, we still don't connect. :| I know a lot of people like her though and thought that she'll grow on me but still no for me. :< she still looks awesome though and her house is nice lol
I am perfectly aware of how much of a hipster I'm about to sound like. I assure you I am not a hipster, but merely cursed.

Marshal, Merengue, Julian, Lolly, Diana and Ankha have all been complete failures. Molly was good at first, but once Maple moved in I just didn't see Molly around town as often and I lost interest in her. Also Molly's house placement sucks.

Even more frustratingly, Muffy started off as my #1 only to be perfectly replaced by Shari, who makes far more reasonable requests and is in a more convenient part of town. Now my frustration with Muffy's terrible house placement has replaced any attachment I may have had to her and I'm going to cycle her out next.
I had Tom a while ago. Even though he was cool I found myself never wanting to talk to him and when I did we just didn't click. :/
Anchovy moved into my town and after it became evident he wasn't going to be leaving for a while, I decided to try and get to know him. But we just don't seem to be clicking.
Kid Kat is taking a really long time to start calling me by my nickname. I moved him into my town before Kiki, and she started using my nickname a long time ago.
I really like him, though. ):
Can't seem to get close to Marina. She's been in my town for at least 8 months in-game, I try to talk to her daily. I send her shirts and only once has she worn it. Also, 8 months is such a long time, I thought by then she'd be coming over for random visits, she's just recently started sending me gifts in the mail, so maybe this is the beginning. She's always came off to me as a little less kind than my other normals, she's still sweet just seems fakey.. I don't know. She's too cute to let go though, I'm keeping her forever for sure.