Giveaway Voided

Hi! My friend who just got ACNL would love an all cats town and he eyed on Punchy :)

When is Punchy leaving?
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He went to bed, its 10 minutes before 3AM. Hahaha if you are in a hurry to give Punchy a home, the next person who claims before he wakes can take over.
If Flower doesn't end up coming, I'd always be Interested in taking him off your hands.
*I know I have him "reserved" but this person's constantly cycling through villagers and I'd rather let them off have less of a hassle looking for Punchy.
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Infact, let Hyogo take him.
Naw, I'd feel bad if you're doing that just to make me happy.

I was originally going after Octavian but the other party hasn't sent me a response, I know Punchy's a dream villager of mine but if you want him, take him. you asked first.
Well that's just kinda weird z~z I wasn't expecting that.
If Flower's really not interested anymore, I'll take im'

Uggh, another one voided because of silliness.
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