Kyle said:
MMMMmmmmMMMMMMmmm.... I'm really not good at Volleyball. Because everytime I hit the ball.... it just goes sideways. >_<
I'm doing people a favor not playing volleyball.

But I never planned to. Not my kind of sport.
i'm not so good either but sence i'm putting up a volleyball net and I got a volley ball for easter Ill be ready by the summer and good at volleyball. I'm good at volley ball but not great yet.
and ur not doing people a favor by not playing volleyball if you really want to try it you can go and play. I don't think i'm signing up for a team where you have to try out and you don't have to either if you want to play u can just sign up for a team and have fun it won't matter either if your team does bad or good as long as you have fun.
Wow i can't belive I said that normally i'm really competive.
try new things.