• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Eligible Wailea Days

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Once and forever
May 18, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Dreamy Easter Egg
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Stardust Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Blue Junimo Easter Egg
Prismatic Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
Sakura Easter Egg

Take a deep breath Wailea

Early in the morning and late at night are the time for these slow deep breaths.

Life on Wailea is much the same as ever, though I realized only recently, that I myself was in kind of a hard place. Luckily, as always, my villagers could relate.



Tabby really sums it up the best.


On my difficult days, Wailea is like a nice calming breath. It’s ever changing and yet some things never change, even after over 2 years. I can’t say that I’ve never taken time away at this point. Coming back is its own joy too, and I love my little virtual home away from home.
I really didn’t think I’d get so maudlin here. But there’s something so sweet about revisiting my island here at the beginning of a new year.


My approach on Wailea, as ever, is very loose. I never do everything I could - still haven’t finished the museum and rarely go to KK concerts. With the addition of the DLC and the update it is simply too much to do! But I think we've done okay!


So welcome back to Wailea! New year, new adventures!


This is a story about Goldie

One day, Goldie found herself in a bit of trouble.

“Oh dear,” Goldie said. “It might even be more than a bit.”

Goldie had fallen into a large pit, which seemed to appear out of nowhere.


“Oh, Tabby. Hello, woof.”

“Whyyy are you down there? Did you find something? Is it treasure? I always wanted to find treasure, nyaha!”

“Well, no, you see I’ve fallen in by accident.”

“By accident? How exciting. This is just like something that happened last week on Maglev Mike, only in that episode Mike had taken as wrong-”

“Yes, but Tabby, can you find someone to help? Or a ladder!”

“Oooh yes, I have to tell everyone!!”

“Wait! Tabby! Oh…oh well,” Goldie sighed.

But luckily for Goldie, what Tabby lacked in appropriate reactions, she made up for her her ability to run across the whole island even faster than Genji (though they were all careful not to tell him that).

“See, she’s stuck! In a pit! Ooh! Have to take a picture for the island news letter - Goldie, smile!!”

A flash went off in Goldie’s startled face.

“It’s such a big pit too! I can’t believe it!” Bangle exclaimed. “We should start a committee! Committee for pit awareness and beautification! Doesn’t that sound pretty? Tabby, you can be the treasurer!”



“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Poor Goldie dearie.”

“Nyaaha, get it Deer-ie?”

“Oh, Fauna. You wouldn’t happen to have a ladder?”

“No, sorry. I’ve never quite been comfortably around ladders. Ahh, but I do have a very long scarf I knitted last week? Perhaps that could help?”

“Ahh, what a bon vivant! This will be a wonderful episode for your memoir!”

Goldie has a sinking feeling she is never going to get out of this hole. She paws experimentally at the dirt wall

“Hello, Rodney. Can you help me get out, do you think?

“What’s this about Goldie being in trouble, now-Wow?”

“Oh, Daisy! Thank goodness. Please can you help me out?”

“Oh my. Poor Goldie! Yes, we should definitely get you out! But what to do?”

“I have a snack you can have while you wait! Oh…well I guess I already ate it. But it was very delicious.”

“Thank you, Wade,” Goldie told him. Because it really was a nice thought. She wished she’d had a bigger breakfast.

“I found it! Actually I found 5!” Fauna exclaimed, breathless, “And I found Genji too!”

“Hey buff bunnies! Let’s pull Goldie out of this pit! We’ll pull her out so well, she’ll shoot straight to the moon, mochi!”

The problem was, the scarves were quite stretchy, and no one knew quite how to go about pulling someone out of a hole using several overly long scarves. The first scarf broke as Genji yanked on it with all his might. But Goldie didn’t budge an inch.

“Ohhhh, I read a book last week. Knots and Pulleys for Aspiring Seafarers and-“

“Yes, dearie. We all read it. It was our book club book.”

“Ugh, it was boring. There wasn’t even any romance in it! Or pictures!”

“I drew pictures in mine! Do you want to see?”

“I spilled juice on my copy and it made the letter at the end all squiggly.”

“We need to braid the scarves together and tie a knot I think, woof,” Goldie offered, feeling in need of both lunch and a bath. She wished she’d paid more attention to the book club book as well. It hadn’t seemed that relevant at the time.

“Ohh, you know, I’ve always liked the way you say that, ‘woof’” Daisy told her, looking up from the book she’s opened, which wasn’t even the one about knots, Goldie noticed, feeling almost, slightly exasperated.

“Yes, of course, but is now the time, Daisy?”

“I’m so happy! Woof woof woof!”

“I braided the rope, growf. It’s so beautiful! I think I want to be a hair stylist now! Look, it has flowers in it too!”

“Woooow! I LOVE it! You should totes be a hair stylist now!”

“Wouldn’t it be totes, amazing! And maybe that’s how I’d get my big break!”

The braided scarves, while perhaps unnecessarily decorated, proved far sturdier than the single scarf. Just, as Fauna pointed out to them all, like the book said.

It was therefore not so very much longer before Goldie’s friends were lined up, in an order happily, though maybe unnecessarily, designed by Bangle using some complicated drawings in the dirt. She had been hindered by Tabby, who became enamored with that sort of scheming and felt they should all take to designing heists.

“Tie it really tight around your tummy Goldie!”

“Yes, I’m ready!”

“Okay!! Ready! Heave—”

“Hold on, mochi! I should be call out when to pull! I was the coxswain on my rowing team in school! I was all the positions, it was a one bunny rowing team!”

“But I have the best projection, Bangle and I already decided, because I have been practicing my heavy metal singing lately.”

“Maybe you could just yell together?” Goldie offered, feeling practically impatient.

“Nyaha, I am going to be the loudest!!”

“HEAVE-HO” Genji and Tabby bellowed, loudly enough to shake a nest of wasps from the trees. (Fortunately, they were good friends with Wade and he abandoned the heaving and ho-ing to soothe their ruffled feelings)

Despite the loss of Wade, slowly but surely Goldie was lifted from the hole. She sighed in relief as her paws reached the edge of the pit.

“That was fun!” Bangle enthused. “We should do it everyday!”

“Yeah! It was totes exciting. I should be the one trapped! I was born to be a heroine in adventure story.”

Very pleased with their day’s work, the other animals ambled toward the town square, congratulating themselves on wonderful rescue.

Goldie watched them go. “Oh, woof. I need a cup of tea. And a bath, she sighed. This was not my very favorite day.”

“Oh, um, Goldie.” Wade said from below. “I seem to have ended up in a pit! Did you know there was a pit here? Ohhh it’s full of bugs, hello bugs, woof.”

Goldie sighed.

“Don’t worry Goldie! The bugs say they can dig me out!!”

Goldie felt very tired. “Okay Wade. Call me if you need help, woof.” She walk toward home, focusing her mind of some nice soothing tea and a comforting book.

Did Wade ever get out of the hole? That’s a story for another time
In which this book club may tear our island apart

Wailea’s residents love to read.


So starting a book club seemed like a natural way to bring together all the different personalities on our island for some laid back fun.

Wailea’s villagers also have very strong opinions. And they get very…passionate. We all love reading a new book every week, and can’t wait for our weekly chats.


But the passion is also kind of the problem

Don’t get me wrong, it is wonderful having a hobby we can all share. It’s fun discussing the books, whether we like them or not.


Only sometimes it can cause some disagreements.




And I feel like maybe my friends are becoming a little too…invested in the stories we are reading.

(No more thrillers)


(Daisy has gone full fangirl)

But mostly it really is a great way to bond together as friends. Even though Tabby spent a week digging all those pit traps after we read that graphic novel about a team of cat burglars. And even though Wade keeps pouring chocolate sauce in the river ever since we read Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Then there’s Rodney’s ongoing attempts to start a ‘spin off’ podcast. And, of course that incident with Fauna’s choice of 1001 Natural Remedies: An introduction to Medicinal Plants… oh but we agreed never to mention that again…


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Rodney, Fashion, and Me

Everyone who listens to Rodney’s daily podcast (surely everyone, as he runs the Wailea podcast network and purposely blocks out an exclusive half hour every day) knows than when it comes to fashion, though his understated and effortless style may sometimes escape notice (because it it that effortless and understated - it’s the intentionality which makes the complete lack of apparent thought actually very high fashion), there is no one more expert in fashion than he.


Lately, I have fallen into a bit of a fashion slump, to be honest. Back in 2020, when I first came to Wailea, I spent time each day carefully selecting an outfit for the day. I would even change into pajamas before going to bed! But these days I sometimes go weeks without changing up my outfit.

It’s one thing to have a signature look, but that’s heading into Wade territory!

So I decided to seek the input of Wailea’s number one fashion aficionado (I’m told that is French for expert).


Rodney had some useful (and plentiful) advice to offer, as expected.



I tried to try out as many of his fashion tips as I could!


(Skinny metallic pants, a shirt that is 3 things sewn together, and ‘snakeskin’ boots with no socks (ew))

Not my worst look. Thanks Rodney!

Bonus Rodney:



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Interlude: The Island Hop

Our sweet Hazel decided to head out in search of her next adventure.


I’m always sad to see one of my resident’s leave, but on the other hand it allows me to enjoy one of my favorite pastimes - island hopping to find a new villager!

Generally, I have a loose list of villagers in mind who I think I might like - subject to change if I get attached in the moment (as happened with Daisy). I like to meet a good number of villagers, which is usually difficult because I am tempted to invite someone very early on.

This time I had no list and no idea of who I was looking for. Maybe Bea, to have the trifecta of normal dogs?

So I set off totally blind, just to see what would happen.

Ahh the lovely feel of that first island.


(Hi Rizzo)

Second island was the real trial - still not sure of my decision. Back long, long ago (or 2 years, whatever) I did not like Barold at all. But my husband thought he was hilarious, and I hung around The Bell Tree a lot and had a chance to see pictures people posted, and somehow he just started to seem kind of fun, and even a little charming.


Still not sure whether I made the right call - but on the other hand, I have him on my second island, if I could ever find the time to play that one.

Here’s who else I saw, and some highlights.

3. Ed - I like him a lot - but I can’t give my precious Rodney another big ego to compete with.
4. Lopez - ditto
5. Keaton
6. Jeremiah
7. Shari - my beloved


8. Rhonda - I always run into her and she kind of seems like an old friend at this point. One day I will probably invite her.

9. Billy - not sure why but I just really liked the look of him

10. Caesar - He’s so funny
11. Gloria
12. Anabelle
13. Bertha
14. Rolf

And finally, still not sure whether I actually really like this little guy or not, but I kind of fell into liking him a few months ago when I saw a picture that somehow caught me.
(I just love how the back of his head looks, the color is so pretty)


So welcome Prince! Let’s see how it goes!
Wailea Dream Chasers
(I guess this really is my diary now)


Not sure what this is exactly. Not a story, just a feeling. Like, some days you feel really worn down. But then you see how pretty everything looks in the evening light. Like how my villagers might say the same things as all the others, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make me smile, or mean something. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t tell a story. Sometimes you choose fun.


The thing is, it’s really fun having fun.


It’s great to be excited instead of bored.


Maybe it’s the Wailea mantra? The vibe?

I’m feeling whimsical today, or maybe just grateful. Wailea’s my Pooh Corner, my happy place, my own little corner.


Thanks, my little buddies, for keeping me silly.

Keep dreaming guys!

(Sorry so cheesy today! It’s all my Monday “I’d rather be daydreaming than in the office” feels spilling out)
Now here it is, your moment of zen


Hey maaaaan -

These hip cats and kittens on Wailea really are getting the most out of the day, you know?

They mix it up just like your buddy, Pascal.

And by that, I mean these crazy critters are napping all over the place.


I’m not much for the land myself, but if I was, man, I’d be tripping over some sleepy island rat every which way, you know?


I have to tell you, they make island life seem pretty sweet.

And here I thought floating on my back with my own personal buffet table was the most chill way to live.

Maybe one day I will mosey on up to get my own midday snooze going. You feel me?

Now that’s enough jibber jabber. Words are all well and good but they don’t put scallops in the old belly.


Consider yourself truthed.
Wailea Updated


(The DA is not up to date - this isn’t a recommendation)

It’s been quite a while since we had a look around Wailea. Though those of us who see it everyday might take it for granted, it has changed a lot over the years.



Wailea is a work in progress always, a variation in no theme in particular.

It’s fun to look how much the island has changed.




I’ve pretty much realized at this point this won’t be the final look of Wailea.

My island’s never going to be finished, but here we are at this moment of time.

My favorite time of year in Wailea is summer, so that is when I spend most of my time now

Flowers, peace, and a drop of golden sun, that’s Wailea!

The Wailea Crew - part 1

While I’m doing things backwards, I thought it might be a good time to introduce the gang here on Wailea.


Some are here for a long hall, some are here just for a while, be it short or long, but all are loved!

Tabby and Rodney


Obviously, I mention all the time that these two are on Wailea. Tabby of course is my number one fave/ bestie and an absolute institution on Wailea. She’s our Queen of Chaos and Princess of Fun.

And Rodney is a suave man-about-town always up on the newest trends. Or is he really just a silly, loveable dork (™) He does manage all the Wailea advertising materials now though. And he’s definitely an avid podcaster.


Bangle’s also been with us from the beginning. And somehow, more than anyone, she’s like the heart and spirit of Wailea! She’s always the life of every party, and yes, we do mean every! She’s so full of pep and cheer that she really brings the whole group together.

Genji and Fauna


Genji is my main man, my original best bud! He’s my original jock villager, and was my first favorite. He thought about moving on in the past, but at this point what would Wailea even be without our favorite buff bunny?

Fauna found her way back to us.

I didn’t quite love her at first sight. But invited her from the campsite on a whim. I got more attached to her than I expected. She always seemed to talk about the most interesting things and we have so much in common. But I did let her go. It was sad to see her go, but it’s always sad. Didn’t plan to invite her back because she wouldn’t be the same Fauna

And then she showed up on my new island. Not a Fauna, but my Fauna, which, silly as it sounds, is the only one I am attached to. I couldn’t really resist that fate, so she’s back on Wailea, for now at least. But it’s fun having her back.

That’s all for now!
Wailea Crew - part two

Second half of the current residents of Wailea!



My best bud from Pocket Camp, and so how could I resist inviting her to Wailea when I had the chance? Generally, I feel a real kinship with the normal villagers, so it’s no surprise she’s grown on me.

I’m not sure how best to describe her, but I think she is patient and calm and practical, which is something we often need a dose of. Despite the story above, she really doesn’t get into too much trouble.



A new favorite and I still feel so happy everyday to see her wandering about. I had decided I didn’t like her, actually, but then I came across her while island hopping and she was just the cutest thing. She rounds out the book club nicely. I feel like she might be here to stay for good. She’s dived right into island life and it’s hard to believe she’s only been around a couple months!

Her and Goldie I initially assumed would be too redundant, but I find I love having the pair of them. My two good girls ❤️



The thing is, Soleil is right - she really is that cute. She’s just simply a charming addition to Wailea, she makes all the pictures more picturesque. She makes all the events more eventful. So I suppose we can tolerate her lectures on fashion faux pas and outdated etiquette. Usually. But really, once you shake her out of her ridiculous veneer of sophistication, she can be a lot of fun.



Frequently sticky, often sleepy (watch out for his rouge napping, or you might trio on him, and that hurts his feelings!), Wade’s an all around loveable guy. He seems like he’d give good hugs (if only I could give him one). He’s just a good solid buddy.



Prince only moved in about 3 days ago, so we haven’t gotten to know him well yet. So far so good though, I think we are going to have a wonderful, sticky time for however long he stays with us.