Wanna Be Friends?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2009
I got this game for Christmas and I am lonely... :'(
So if you wanna be my friend, leave me your code and I'll PM you Know when I added you
Sooooooo yeah, thanks!!!

FC: 1333-2141-5296
Town: Konoha
Name: Chris
Fruits: Peaches

PS I live is the U.S.
hi im new to the bell tree and i dont understand how to get a comment or mesage back so il ad you
but frist could you reply on this page whe are on
to let me know
i am from england by the way so it will be fun to see if it connects to you
i have aplles,coconuts,cerrys,orange
ill take them to your town if you want
samax2000 said:
hi im new to the bell tree and i dont understand how to get a comment or mesage back so il ad you
but frist could you reply on this page whe are on
to let me know
i am from england by the way so it will be fun to see if it connects to you
i have aplles,coconuts,cerrys,orange
ill take them to your town if you want
Ok ill need your friend code to add you though