Wanna visit my town?


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2012
0% (0) +
It's pretty not well developed, seeing as the game just came out in NA today, but if you'd like to visit my town, my friend code is: 3480-2559-4204 (Jose)
Nice, if you'd like, thanks! D: unfortunately I went fruit crazy, and I have none of my pears left, if that's ok.
Hey man add me too I just added you I want to come on over to your town if thats cool.

EDIT: I forgot my friend code is 021621555042
Hey! I hope there's still room for more. My FC is 0189-8683-2379. Added yours too.
Thanks for the heads up I will be on the forums for a few hours so inform me when you add me
Man... Spoke too soon... Well... I'll try... if this one leaves...

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It shouldn't be long. My town is nothing special, but I'm glad you're looking forward to it
Yeah its kinda exciting considering I have only had one visitor and only been to one town so yeah.
I'd love to visit, would anybody in this thread be willing to trade any fruit at all for my apples? I'll add your friend code and see what happens :)