Want More Hybrids, Have Your Friends Water Your Flowers


🎶Come on and Join the Adelaide Parade 🎶
Feb 18, 2017
Blue Balloon
Festival Lantern
Mother's Day Carnation
I don't know if information like this has already been shared here but, yesterday I posted this in a different thread:

According to some recently data-mined information along with some personal anecdotes, it seems that flowers watered by nonresidents have an increased chance of producing hybrids the next day from the starting 5% chance up to a 75% chance depending on how many people have watered your flowers. This only works for the first 10 visitors to your island, and the flowers even sparkle differently when they have been watered 5 times.

If one person waters your flowers, it goes from 5% (the starting percentage if you watered your own flowers) to 20%
If 2: 20% to 30%
if 3: 30% to 45%
if 4: 45% to 60%
if 5: 60% to 75%

Here is a picture with the difference b/t flowers watered by 4 people vs flowers watered by 5 people.
Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 2.15.49 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 2.17.08 PM.png

And here is a video explaining the data-mined information for better clarity.

With this information, I thought It would be cool to trade this service.

Yesterday I was able to get five people to water my flowers and...

Today when I checked my flowers, oh my gosh the glory


Not all my hybrids are pictured here, but I even got the purple hyacinth but immediately dug it up when I saw it b/c I was so excited to see something new. I wasn't even trying to get it.

I'm posting this here to share this information.

I highly recommend maybe forming alliances with people here on the forums or asking your friends who have the game to trade this service with you, or even just seeing if you could get 5 different people to help you water your flowers every day. Even having just one person water your flowers should be very helpful. It's very worthwhile.
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i just had this idea really randomly because i'm currently trying to get my flower madness in shape and this thread, ultimately, came to mind when it comes to making all of us master gardeners: i'd love to pitch an idea for a thread with maybe something like, a google spreadsheet attached to it, that's essentially the TBT flower network? it sounds weird, but basically people would post in said thread, with a map of their layout attached and areas scribbled in where the flowers are, the data gets collected and put into said google spreadsheet (can i even do that. i mean, it's technically not real data but GDPR and all that orz), and after being added to said spreadsheet, so others know what to look for when visiting your island, you can request other people in the thread to come and help water their flowers, or offer to come water somebody elses flowers if someone is seeking in the thread. does that make sense? also included would be: giving away/selling base color & hybrid flowers that maybe are swamping your island and you don't really need. if you want to gift em or sell em would be up to you.

this little silly idea just came to mind, haha.
i just had this idea really randomly because i'm currently trying to get my flower madness in shape and this thread, ultimately, came to mind when it comes to making all of us master gardeners: i'd love to pitch an idea for a thread with maybe something like, a google spreadsheet attached to it, that's essentially the TBT flower network? it sounds weird, but basically people would post in said thread, with a map of their layout attached and areas scribbled in where the flowers are, the data gets collected and put into said google spreadsheet (can i even do that. i mean, it's technically not real data but GDPR and all that orz), and after being added to said spreadsheet, so others know what to look for when visiting your island, you can request other people in the thread to come and help water their flowers, or offer to come water somebody elses flowers if someone is seeking in the thread. does that make sense? also included would be: giving away/selling base color & hybrid flowers that maybe are swamping your island and you don't really need. if you want to gift em or sell em would be up to you.

this little silly idea just came to mind, haha.
Sounds like a great idea! I was thinking of making a thread precisely for this, some sort of "TBT gardening network" where people could arrange watering sessions or seed exchanges.
I could see a legitimate business being made of “hiring” others to come and water flowers.

Creating availability charts: essentially if you aren’t taking requests on the spot, you could throw your name in as someone who could be PM’d within certain windows of time.

Payments: obviously one could tip helpers with hybrids that are being boosted, another interesting point is that one could even have certain boosted flower plots for repeat visitors over days, so that if you’re always watering a said person, then they could offer you flowers from the desired species/color.

Systemizing this to a degree and setting standards for pricing or contact could really help this go far :lemon:
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i just had this idea really randomly because i'm currently trying to get my flower madness in shape and this thread, ultimately, came to mind when it comes to making all of us master gardeners: i'd love to pitch an idea for a thread with maybe something like, a google spreadsheet attached to it, that's essentially the TBT flower network? it sounds weird, but basically people would post in said thread, with a map of their layout attached and areas scribbled in where the flowers are, the data gets collected and put into said google spreadsheet (can i even do that. i mean, it's technically not real data but GDPR and all that orz), and after being added to said spreadsheet, so others know what to look for when visiting your island, you can request other people in the thread to come and help water their flowers, or offer to come water somebody elses flowers if someone is seeking in the thread. does that make sense? also included would be: giving away/selling base color & hybrid flowers that maybe are swamping your island and you don't really need. if you want to gift em or sell em would be up to you.

this little silly idea just came to mind, haha.
That sounds really great. I thought about creating a thread where people would be able to do daily exchanges of this service, but this sounds like a really great pitch.
i just had this idea really randomly because i'm currently trying to get my flower madness in shape and this thread, ultimately, came to mind when it comes to making all of us master gardeners: i'd love to pitch an idea for a thread with maybe something like, a google spreadsheet attached to it, that's essentially the TBT flower network? it sounds weird, but basically people would post in said thread, with a map of their layout attached and areas scribbled in where the flowers are, the data gets collected and put into said google spreadsheet (can i even do that. i mean, it's technically not real data but GDPR and all that orz), and after being added to said spreadsheet, so others know what to look for when visiting your island, you can request other people in the thread to come and help water their flowers, or offer to come water somebody elses flowers if someone is seeking in the thread. does that make sense? also included would be: giving away/selling base color & hybrid flowers that maybe are swamping your island and you don't really need. if you want to gift em or sell em would be up to you.

this little silly idea just came to mind, haha.
count me in!
I could see a legitimate business being made of “hiring” others to come and water flowers.

Creating availability charts: essentially if you aren’t taking requests on the spot, you could throw your name in as someone who could be PM’d within certain windows of time.

Payments: obviously one could tip helpers with hybrids that are being boosted, another interesting point is that one could even have certain boosted flower plots for repeat visitors over days, so that if you’re always watering a said person, then they could offer you flowers from the desired species/color.

Systemizing this to a degree and setting standards for pricing or contact could really help this go far :lemon:

There already is one for that, but it's from the official NH's Discord. We can make & organize our own for TBT!!
This is the link to the spreadsheeet.
me and my irl friends have been having "watering" parties for the past week and even just 3 people watering makes a HUGE difference in the number of hybrids i was getting before when it was just me.