Trading Want to trade fruit furniture anyone?


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
100% (10) +
This will be simple and sweet!

I have the peach chair and surprise box, and I'm looking to trade for any pear, apple or orange furniture. If anyones interested i'll be online for a few hours! :)
id like to trade! i can make an orange clock and orange table if youd like :)
I'd love to trade an apple chair for a peach one. :D
I can make orange clock, orange end table, and cherry speakers (tho I am missing a few cherries) Id love to trade for a peach chair or two!
I can make orange clock, orange end table, and cherry speakers (tho I am missing a few cherries) Id love to trade for a peach chair or two!

Thats be fantastic! I'm currently gathering peaches lol and I do have extra cherries if you need them!

I’d be down trade. I can make the Pear wardrobe/bed/hat

Hello! I do have the bed, but I'd love the wardrobe if you wanna trade for a peach chair?

id like to trade! i can make an orange clock and orange table if youd like :)
Fantastic! Do you want the box and the chair? or just the chair?

I'd love to trade an apple chair for a peach one. :D

that'd be awesome! :)

This is all im gonna be doing for now becasue im definitely gonna run out of peaches! XD but ill do more tomorrow!
Could I get both please? It'll take a sec for me to do the orange furniture but you got it! :)
I have 4 cherries I just need 6 more to make em! do ya just want the speakers since ur getting the orange items from someone else? Id be happy w one peach chair!
I have 4 cherries I just need 6 more to make em! do ya just want the speakers since ur getting the orange items from someone else? Id be happy w one peach chair!

sure thats good! i'll drop you the code as well as soon as I'm done lol