Want to visit someone with Shampoodle


Mar 2, 2013
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Pear (Fruit)
0% (0) +
If you have Shampoodle already, may I visit your Town and change my Hair?
I don't really like my Hair and don't want to run around as a Frog for the next Month or two.
My Friend Code is: 3265-5070-3673
Oh my god, may I come too? But I currently have visitors myself, I could most likely be in your town in two hours :(
I've another friend on right now. So if someone doesn't get in, I'll either ask someone to leave or if you're willing to, you're welcome to wait until someone does leave.
I've another friend on right now. So if someone doesn't get in, I'll either ask someone to leave or if you're willing to, you're welcome to wait until someone does leave.

It's ok, I'll wait! Just let me know when someone leaves. But what's weird is that your town doesn't even show up when I try to go out...

EDIT: Nevermind, it's showing up now. I'm coming over!
well could i come realy quick just to do my hair and then leave ? or tayjmonkey could go first i dont mind
Alright town was full, but we just had an error. (Good thing we saved when we did. . .) So I'm going to add a few and re-open.
Hi! If it isn't too much of a bother, it'd be much appreciated if you'd let me visit your town as well.
My FC is: 3840-6127-0179

Please add me and please update me on when there is a free space, that is, if it isn't too much of a bother.