Warioware Smooth Moves Out!


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2005
I don't know if anybody forgot but Warioware Smooth Moves for the Wii is out today! When I get a Wii I'm for sure getting this game

Are you serious?!?!



*calls up all video game stores in the area to see if any are left*
Copper said:
January 15th, 2007.... Isn't that today?
It is indeed...


What are the chances of me getting one without having it reserved, would you say?
I don't know but it's sad barely anybody is talking about it at Nsider seems like people forgot Warioware! nvm there is some post about it in Other Wii games
I'm not sure if I will get it because it is supposedly short like the rest of the Wario Wares.
Well, my Gamestop didnt have it, but then again, they never have anything if it isnt reserved in advance...

Time to try Best Buy!

Well remember the game just came out today which means it's being shipped today so it may not be avaliable to buy until like Tuesday or Wednesday.
Copper said:
Well remember the game just came out today which means it's being shipped today so it may not be avaliable to buy until like Tuesday or Wednesday.
Best Buy usually has stuff the day of release.

*looks at New Super Mario Bros, Kirby Squeak Squad, Excite Truck, etc.*
The first game had around 190 minigames, and only took me an afternoon to unlock them all.

Unlocking all the levels afeter the story ones ( The "elephant" towers) Is no easy task though.

Also, I think the multiplayer will be a good feature. So, That will give you some more play time.
I've been waiting since E3 for this awesome game. I'll be sure to go out and find it today.

I know. I may get it with my Giftcard this week.


Something to get me away from OoT and TP.
YAY! My dad just came home with it 2 minutes ago!

I'm offf to play!