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Ok.. uhm i think ur overeacting here.... all he did is dig up some holes to trap himself then put them back to normal again :S
actually shes rightexcept all of you kept ignoring me so i dug loads of holes around me and dropped 50k and said first one to get me wins 50k, then fitzi came and was like "OMG!!!! HES VANDALISING YOUR TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! DELETE HIM OF YOUR FRIEND ROSTER !!!!!!!!!"
so i was like wtf? and then he forced me to go and chloe just said go too so i went. THATS the story.

You do know holes dispear the next day its not a big of a deal ._.

And digging holes insnt vandeliszing.
chloeedgar said:
Ok.. uhm i think ur overeacting here.... all he did is dig up some holes to trap himself then put them back to normal again :S
Crist, it's not like a hole stays a hole forever :l
yeh i mean when jarrad came to my town, we did some stuff then he ran off so i just went to brewsters, then i came out and saw him and chased him but there was loads a holes in the ground. i did catch him though :) no vandalising done