Giveaway Wart Jr the Warty Frog


only half awake
Jul 20, 2013
Crystal Reindeer
Gingerbread House
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Red Toy Car
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Holiday Candy Cane 2022
Snow Bunny
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
100% (319) +
So, tonight, when I loaded up my game, Wart Jr pinged me. HE FINALLY ASKED ME TO MOVE OUT!!! *Ahem*:blush: I figured there must be some people who want him. If you want him, it'll be first come first serve. He's moving out on the 18th but I can TT for you to have him by the end of today :) So, first commenter will get him :3
I have no room :'(
but if no one else wants him can I save him in my second town until i have room in my main one?
I have no room :'(
but if no one else wants him can I save him in my second town until i have room in my main one?

No one else seems to want him :3 I#ll wait 1-2 days so that Ozzie can get settled, and if I have no more responses you can have him :3
Kay :3 I might TT him out tomorrow.. :3 I'll just have to reset first to get ozzie as my next door neighbour :p
G'morning! I'll be resetting to get Ozzie's house in a good spot then I'll TT to the 18th when you're ready :)