was this a good trade?

Triforce3force said:
*sigh* GTS?

Just a warning...the Palkia is most likely hacked, or something.
I really don't care, as long as I didn't hack it.

There's almost no way I'm going to get all the pokemon without trading with at least a few hackers D=

(the event pokemon, How else would I get those? I'm not going to any events)

@DF, I never said that, I said pikachu :r
I just traded my Abomasnow (40) for a level 10 Glameow. >_<

I knew it was a bad idea to put "Any level"...
I can't stand it!!!

I have no idea what these new guys are!!!

I now understand how parents feel when they here their kids talk about it.

"Look Mom!!! I got a level 70 gibsaor and beat the masters of the region to save the world from some strange team that through many plot holes somehow fails all because of me and the boss got convinced to go to the good side because clearly some kid wandering into a secret base with monsters that shoot fire defeating all my henchmen must be correct especially when some other guy comes in somehow always at the last minute to explain the obvious flaws their plan had all along, normally having something to do with accidentally destroying the world which tends to be the kind of flaw you would hope to catch before acting on it........"

Yeah it could go n but I don't want to think about how I just spoiled the ending for my self probably..... They should try to change the story up some.
Sporge27 said:
They should try to change the story up some.
I do agree with you there.


Bad team wants Legendary
Hero chases Bad Team
Hero defeats countless Grunts
Bad Team Leader finds Legendary
Battle the leader
You capture Legendary.
Gengar said:
Sporge27 said:
They should try to change the story up some.
I do agree with you there.


Bad team wants Legendary
Hero chases Bad Team
Hero defeats countless Grunts
Bad Team Leader finds Legendary
Battle the leader
You capture Legendary.
That's the Hoenn and Sinnoh plot ;).

Also, ZF, seriously <.< was that trade necessary? That just ruined your game because now you don't have to train nearly as much.
Super_Naruto said:
Gengar said:
Sporge27 said:
They should try to change the story up some.
I do agree with you there.


Bad team wants Legendary
Hero chases Bad Team
Hero defeats countless Grunts
Bad Team Leader finds Legendary
Battle the leader
You capture Legendary.
That's the Hoenn and Sinnoh plot ;).

Also, ZF, seriously <.< was that trade necessary? That just ruined your game because now you don't have to train nearly as much.
Yeah, because Now I'm going to totaly abuse it, and only use it for all the battles I ever fight, so they aren't really my wins, its the random Japanese's persons wins, right?
Super_Naruto said:
Yeah, and it ruins the game too ;).
The reason I got it is more along the lines of:
"hmm, I wonder if someone is stupid enough to actually do this trade... it would be awesome if they did though, because then It would be a lot more easy to get all the pokemon in my pokedex."