Watch out, there's gonna be a deer on the forums!


Resident Deer
Jun 28, 2013
Hey everyone!

So I'm Deer and I'm obviously new around here. c:
I hadn't even been planning on getting a 3DS, but.... Animal Crossing changed that. I'd only played Wild World before New Leaf, but wow, I'm already pretty addicted. ;n;
Anyway, I just got the game a few days ago so I haven't accomplished too much as of now, but it'd still be great to meet some people!
With the exception of Animal Crossing and a few others, I'm not a huge fan of video games. I play Minecraft and Pokemon as well, but that's about it! Besides that, I like drawing and writing, though I'm not very good at either. I mostly do them for myself, so I'm not worried. c:
If anyone wants to add me or anything, go right ahead! Just be sure to let me know.
(Also, I'm glad I got it, but how was the name Deer not taken?!)
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Welcome! Minecraft and Pokemon is awesome! Feel free to add me! I'm usually always on New Leaf, since i'm on summer vacation, lol.
Minecraft and Pokemon is great! c:
And okay, I'll add you! Summer vacation is making me spend waaaay too much time doing less than productive things, oh well. Better to enjoy it. :D
Exactly! I really have nothing to do during summer vacation >.< I just added you, by the way.
Hello, Deer! Glad you're having fun w/ New Leaf! Should you have any questions, just ask! (=