Ways to make your town look AWESOME

Walk insted of running, this helps keep the grass.

Plant trees in some places and chop some down if there are too many in one place.

plant flowers around stuff.

ie-plant 4 flowers infront of the buss stop. i saw that a month ago and i did it. it makes your town look nice when people come over
Or you can create a grass design,lay it on the ground on all the spots u lost grass and then it will look real convincing!
well to make your town look cool you could get some hybrid flowers those are cool
edit oh and you could get all of the fruits
I planted trees, And flowers.

Go to the town hall, Go to the one on the left, Talk to Pelly( (Polly) ((I forget the name)) ) & do enviorment, That will tell you how to improve your townn.