we need a chatbox

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Senior Member
Jul 30, 2010
Throwback Tickets
This website needs a chatbox reason:

1.chatbox's are so much fun
2.chatbox's are way better than PM service
3.i can get one for this site
1. No one wants to hear "BOOMBUMDOOM" everytime someone posts something there.
2. Waste of space.
3. Waste of time.
Rockman! said:
1. No one wants to hear "BOOMBUMDOOM" everytime someone posts something there.
2. Waste of space.
3. Waste of time.

A forum is made so people can talk with each other in threads and replying to each other's posts... not a chatbox.
but Pm and forum crap takes 4 f**** ever a chatbox is instant and they have a setting to turn the volume on chat box
zantrul said:
but Pm and forum crap takes 4 f**** ever a chatbox is instant and they have a setting to turn the volume on chat box
Again, this is a forum, not a chatroom. We've tried chatboxes before. They don't last long and they rarely have activity. Besides, chatboxes take away from posting because everyone is on the chatbox. It's really not your decision to make. You lost this battle before you even posted this thread. You're not gonna get a lot of backup.
Not to mention you already have two of the same exact topics complaining about a chatbox.
Get over it.
Okay so, I just made a channel on SORCERYNET. Since people here probably don't know how to use irc, I'll give a quick tutorial. (I'm MaDNeSs in the channel, just so yall know.)

First: You're going to want to GET irc, or use a Java client. It's easy to do. First, go here:

Type the nickname you want into the nickname field (It would probably be better if you just used your Forum Nickname) and the channel. Global irc channels always have a # in front of the name, so you'll simply type in #thebelltree in the field. It's not case sensitive.

Now, sometimes you'll run into the problem where someone already has the nick you want to use, or it's registered. To change your nickname type:

/nick (Yournickhere)

If you want to register your nickname so no one else can use it the command is:

/ns register (Password) (Email)

Keep in mind no brackets have to be used, but for simplicity I'm putting them in.

Everytime you log on if you register your nickname, you'll have to login. The command is:

/ns id (password)

Some things about irc:

Only certain people can use certain commands. For instance, anyone with an @ in front of their name makes them an operator of a channel. They can kick, ban, change topics, send global channel alerts, and add other people to their rank list.

For anyone with a + they have a voice. That means if the channel is moderated for any reason, it makes them able to still speak. It does little more than that.

If you don't have a symbol you don't have a rank, easy as that.

IF you for some reason do not want to use that java client you can download mirc at mirc.com. The server is IRC.SORCERY.NET.
Zr388 said:
Okay so, I just made a channel on SORCERYNET. Since people here probably don't know how to use irc, I'll give a quick tutorial. (I'm MaDNeSs in the channel, just so yall know.)

First: You're going to want to GET irc, or use a Java client. It's easy to do. First, go here:

Type the nickname you want into the nickname field (It would probably be better if you just used your Forum Nickname) and the channel. Global irc channels always have a # in front of the name, so you'll simply type in #thebelltree in the field. It's not case sensitive.

Now, sometimes you'll run into the problem where someone already has the nick you want to use, or it's registered. To change your nickname type:

/nick (Yournickhere)

If you want to register your nickname so no one else can use it the command is:

/ns register (Password) (Email)

Keep in mind no brackets have to be used, but for simplicity I'm putting them in.

Everytime you log on if you register your nickname, you'll have to login. The command is:

/ns id (password)

Some things about irc:

Only certain people can use certain commands. For instance, anyone with an @ in front of their name makes them an operator of a channel. They can kick, ban, change topics, send global channel alerts, and add other people to their rank list.

For anyone with a + they have a voice. That means if the channel is moderated for any reason, it makes them able to still speak. It does little more than that.

If you don't have a symbol you don't have a rank, easy as that.

IF you for some reason do not want to use that java client you can download mirc at mirc.com. The server is IRC.SORCERY.NET.
it's a shame all of this will be wasted/never used. :(
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