we need cloners

Flame master

May 9, 2009
if you can clone add this:


we need someone who can clone up 3 times!
if you chelp us and clone,you will see KK as we have sent the time up at 8pm!
you will heard Spring Blossoms.
please help us and please,sent your friend code or tell us where it is.
we will tell you if you can come and only 3 can come so get replying. :D
Oh great, someone who is going to clone and ruin the Auction house for the rest of us. Another name to add to theblack book *sigh*
You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are going to have people clone things for you and then turn around and sell what you clone for such a cheap price that it ruins the prices in the Auction House.

Great Example:
The person selling crowns for 1,000 each. They have 28 of them. I wont name any names tho :p. These are obviously cloned. If people buy these for 1,000.... Then someone who is legitimately selling a crown for a legitimate price will never get theirs sold. Because once people buy the ones for 1,000 they are going to turn around and sell those for 300k. This prevents the person who was honest and legitimate about it, to still not be able to sell their crown because one person decided to cheat. I hope everyone remembers not only THIS person's name when purchasing items, but also remember Sky Master. As they are one in the same.
As I said, I hope no one buys off either him or their brother. I wont have anything to do w/cheaters
DirtyD said:
You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are going to have people clone things for you and then turn around and sell what you clone for such a cheap price that it ruins the prices in the Auction House.

Great Example:
The person selling crowns for 1,000 each. They have 28 of them. I wont name any names tho :p. These are obviously cloned. If people buy these for 1,000.... Then someone who is legitimately selling a crown for a legitimate price will never get theirs sold. Because once people buy the ones for 1,000 they are going to turn around and sell those for 300k. This prevents the person who was honest and legitimate about it, to still not be able to sell their crown because one person decided to cheat. I hope everyone remembers not only THIS person's name when purchasing items, but also remember Sky Master. As they are one in the same.
dont you talk 'bout my brother like that!
All I said was that you two are in the same town. Forgive me for speaking the truth
Flame master said:
DirtyD said:
You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are going to have people clone things for you and then turn around and sell what you clone for such a cheap price that it ruins the prices in the Auction House.

Great Example:
The person selling crowns for 1,000 each. They have 28 of them. I wont name any names tho :p. These are obviously cloned. If people buy these for 1,000.... Then someone who is legitimately selling a crown for a legitimate price will never get theirs sold. Because once people buy the ones for 1,000 they are going to turn around and sell those for 300k. This prevents the person who was honest and legitimate about it, to still not be able to sell their crown because one person decided to cheat. I hope everyone remembers not only THIS person's name when purchasing items, but also remember Sky Master. As they are one in the same.
dont you talk 'bout my brother like that!
So, Sky master is your brother? I guess it runs in the family.
thekillingdog said:
Flame master said:
DirtyD said:
You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are going to have people clone things for you and then turn around and sell what you clone for such a cheap price that it ruins the prices in the Auction House.

Great Example:
The person selling crowns for 1,000 each. They have 28 of them. I wont name any names tho :p. These are obviously cloned. If people buy these for 1,000.... Then someone who is legitimately selling a crown for a legitimate price will never get theirs sold. Because once people buy the ones for 1,000 they are going to turn around and sell those for 300k. This prevents the person who was honest and legitimate about it, to still not be able to sell their crown because one person decided to cheat. I hope everyone remembers not only THIS person's name when purchasing items, but also remember Sky Master. As they are one in the same.
dont you talk 'bout my brother like that!
So, Sky master is your brother? I guess it runs in the family.
yes he is my bro but still,you dont talk bout him and bad ways!
we dont what to clone crowns!
we are running abit low on money and we need to share it all between 3 people!so we
need to clone some money!
Don't you think cloning ruins the fun of the game? I mean why not earn it properly. If it is a rare or special item wait 'til next time. Cloning ruins the fun. Earn the proper way> Cloning
Cheating is still cheating. Whether it is for money or items