<big><big><big>Part 1 of 2</big>
In the land of Hyrule, there was a boy named Link, famous for doing all sorts of stuff.... but what would hit him next was probably most unexpected...
He was playing with his friends, the color Links which were Red, Blue and Purple, him Green. Then... they were all knocked out.... and taken by one of the most menacing forces.... even more than Vaati or Ganon.....
'The Host said 'Who is the dullest out of the 4? We'll find out on, The Weakest Link!'
Dun dun DA Dun...
'You know the rules, every question you get right, you get Rupees, you can bank Rupees, yahta yahta. Lets begin!'
'Blue Link! What's the number of legs on a octorock?'
Blue: '40 cillion?'
'No. Red Link!
What 2 colors make purple?'
Red: 'Hmm... -looking at purple Link-...... Black and Purple??'
'...You cannot be ANY stupider?!?! Its Red and Blue! And YOUR Red Link!!!!! Green Link! How many Rupees can you hold in Windwaker for starters?'
Green: '200'
'Finally someone is right!!! Purple Link! What is the length of your sword in inches?'
Purple: Wait, what does this have to do with Strength? We just are answering questio -'
'TIMES UP!!!!'
Some voice: All the Links but Green Link are weak... lets see the votes.
Green: Blue
Red: Green
Purple: Red
Blue: Purple
Host: '....Well, your all tied... 1 more voting time...'
Green: Purple
Red: Ganon
Blue: Purple
Purple: Ganon
Host: '..... Ganon isn't playing!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Purple, your voted out...'
Quotes from Purple Link: Well... why me? I bet they just hate me because if this was fighting insetad of questions, I bet I could whoop them!
Host: 'Since you guys aren't... thinking sorts of people, we will fight for the Rupees, by the way, there is none so far... Green Link was the only one who got'em and didn't bank.
Green, Blue, and Red: DOH!
Everybody starts fighting... but forgot their swords... it turns out Red Link beat them all by pulling the hat down over Green Link's eyes and pushing him off a cliff, and Blue Link got caught by a Like-Like.
Red Link: What do I win???
Host: Well, since nobody banked, and you got nothing from fighting, you get... this Broken Mirror thingy.
Description: .... its broken.... yeahhhh..
Red Link: What the heck do I do with this??? -Looks in and goes back in time to when they were knocked out....-
In the land of Hyrule, there was a boy named Link, famous for doing all sorts of stuff.... but what would hit him next was probably most unexpected...
He was playing with his friends, the color Links which were Red, Blue and Purple, him Green. Red Link: You guys!!!!! We gotta get out of here!!!! The Game Show Host is after us!!!!
And so they were knocked out again...
In the land of Hyrule, there was a boy named Link, famous for doing all sorts of stuff.... but what would hit him next was probably most unexpected...
He was playing with his friends, the color Links which were Red, Blue and Purple, him Green. Then... they were all knocked out.... and taken by one of the most menacing forces.... even more than Vaati or Ganon.....
'The Host said 'Who is the dullest out of the 4? We'll find out on, The Weakest Link!'
Dun dun DA Dun...
'You know the rules, every question you get right, you get Rupees, you can bank Rupees, yahta yahta. Lets begin!'
'Blue Link! What's the number of legs on a octorock?'
Blue: '40 cillion?'
'No. Red Link!
What 2 colors make purple?'
Red: 'Hmm... -looking at purple Link-...... Black and Purple??'
'...You cannot be ANY stupider?!?! Its Red and Blue! And YOUR Red Link!!!!! Green Link! How many Rupees can you hold in Windwaker for starters?'
Green: '200'
'Finally someone is right!!! Purple Link! What is the length of your sword in inches?'
Purple: Wait, what does this have to do with Strength? We just are answering questio -'
'TIMES UP!!!!'
Some voice: All the Links but Green Link are weak... lets see the votes.
Green: Blue
Red: Green
Purple: Red
Blue: Purple
Host: '....Well, your all tied... 1 more voting time...'
Green: Purple
Red: Ganon
Blue: Purple
Purple: Ganon
Host: '..... Ganon isn't playing!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Purple, your voted out...'
Quotes from Purple Link: Well... why me? I bet they just hate me because if this was fighting insetad of questions, I bet I could whoop them!
Host: 'Since you guys aren't... thinking sorts of people, we will fight for the Rupees, by the way, there is none so far... Green Link was the only one who got'em and didn't bank.
Green, Blue, and Red: DOH!
Everybody starts fighting... but forgot their swords... it turns out Red Link beat them all by pulling the hat down over Green Link's eyes and pushing him off a cliff, and Blue Link got caught by a Like-Like.
Red Link: What do I win???
Host: Well, since nobody banked, and you got nothing from fighting, you get... this Broken Mirror thingy.
Description: .... its broken.... yeahhhh..
Red Link: What the heck do I do with this??? -Looks in and goes back in time to when they were knocked out....-
In the land of Hyrule, there was a boy named Link, famous for doing all sorts of stuff.... but what would hit him next was probably most unexpected...
He was playing with his friends, the color Links which were Red, Blue and Purple, him Green. Red Link: You guys!!!!! We gotta get out of here!!!! The Game Show Host is after us!!!!
And so they were knocked out again...