.-* elusive clown *-.
i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post this here (i think i am tho, because i'm pretty sure the rules say that you're not allowed to post about any glitches in animal crossing that could count as exploits), but i thought i'd post this anyway because i found it to be pretty weird and annoying.
basically, i was playing in turf wars on mahi mahi resort earlier today. i was covering the ground with ink as usual, but i got splatted at some point. it was then that i noticed something weird. around my team's spawn point (you know... where you respawn when you get splatted), i saw that the ground was being covered in the opposite team's ink, nobody on the opposite team seemed to be there.
i thought that this was just lag or something at first, so i stepped off the spawn point to cover their ink up... only to get splatted by the 'invisible' inkling that was covering the ground. i then saw that the inkling actually wasn't invisible, but completely off the map. like... there seemed to be nothing at all where the player was, it was all completely white except for the player, who was a normal-looking squid. of course, i (and i assume nobody else on my team did) knew how to get to that inkling, so we pretty much lost because we were pretty much getting destroyed by this one unreachable player.
i played another match with this person, on mahi mahi again, and they had done the glitch again, and my team lost that time too. now i REALLY wanted to know how they were doing this, so i played one more match with them.
this time though, the person doing the glitch was on my team, and we were in arowana mall instead of mahi mahi. i decided to follow them to see if it was only possible to do it in the resort, and if it wasn't, an idea of how they did it. sure enough, the player was able to do the glitch again... although i still have no idea how. all i know is that they just jumped into the water, but instead of... well, respawning back at our team's spawn point like people should do when they wall in water, the player ended up falling through the water and probably through the map itself.
i can't remember the name of the player, because it was all in japanese. i've also never seen it be done before, and i haven't seen anything about anything like this on the splatoon wiki or anything, so i'm assuming this is a fairly new glitch that was added in the latest update. however, i don't know for sure because like i said, i've never seen anything about this glitch before.
has anyone else seen somebody do this glitch?
i'm sorry if this is breaking the rules on here, but i thought i'd share this because this could be a pretty big problem. i mean, i've only ever seen it happen in turf wars, but what if it's also possible in ranked? it'd be really unfair if somebody's rank went down because of something like this happening.
basically, i was playing in turf wars on mahi mahi resort earlier today. i was covering the ground with ink as usual, but i got splatted at some point. it was then that i noticed something weird. around my team's spawn point (you know... where you respawn when you get splatted), i saw that the ground was being covered in the opposite team's ink, nobody on the opposite team seemed to be there.
i thought that this was just lag or something at first, so i stepped off the spawn point to cover their ink up... only to get splatted by the 'invisible' inkling that was covering the ground. i then saw that the inkling actually wasn't invisible, but completely off the map. like... there seemed to be nothing at all where the player was, it was all completely white except for the player, who was a normal-looking squid. of course, i (and i assume nobody else on my team did) knew how to get to that inkling, so we pretty much lost because we were pretty much getting destroyed by this one unreachable player.
i played another match with this person, on mahi mahi again, and they had done the glitch again, and my team lost that time too. now i REALLY wanted to know how they were doing this, so i played one more match with them.
this time though, the person doing the glitch was on my team, and we were in arowana mall instead of mahi mahi. i decided to follow them to see if it was only possible to do it in the resort, and if it wasn't, an idea of how they did it. sure enough, the player was able to do the glitch again... although i still have no idea how. all i know is that they just jumped into the water, but instead of... well, respawning back at our team's spawn point like people should do when they wall in water, the player ended up falling through the water and probably through the map itself.
i can't remember the name of the player, because it was all in japanese. i've also never seen it be done before, and i haven't seen anything about anything like this on the splatoon wiki or anything, so i'm assuming this is a fairly new glitch that was added in the latest update. however, i don't know for sure because like i said, i've never seen anything about this glitch before.
has anyone else seen somebody do this glitch?
i'm sorry if this is breaking the rules on here, but i thought i'd share this because this could be a pretty big problem. i mean, i've only ever seen it happen in turf wars, but what if it's also possible in ranked? it'd be really unfair if somebody's rank went down because of something like this happening.