Weird snowman issue


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2008
I built a perfect snowman yesturday! Today I got the letter and the snowman furnuriture...but the snowman Is Gone? It was a fairly big snowman it should have at least taken 2 days to melt! This is kinda strange...anyone know what might have happened...Ive never had this problem before!
hrmmm that's weird...

no one would have run into him and killed him?

is that still possible? (i haven't tried bc i don't want to destroy them!!) :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
I haven't had one disappear, but I have had them move, like if I build them too close to a tree or something. Maybe it was something like that, but there wasn't anywhere for it to move to.
hmmm if it happened by a lake there could be a possibility that a glitch was formed allowing one of those bugs( i can't remember its name lol) to push the snowman into the water. This has never happened to me though and i've built snowman by a lake before :/ maybe its just a one of a kind freak accident lol
I was trying to build a snowman army in my town, just by making them all in the same general spot. There was one almost completely melted a couple steps from my new one. I had to eat dinner so I saved and turned off the game. When I started back up again, the new snowman was gone! I don't know why he would disappear, either. strange!!!!! Well the snowman I think was built in between a sign and a lake....Y know one of those random signs they have in town where houses normally go!!!!! The signs also say random stuff on them
I've built 3 snowmen before and only one vanished, it was near the cliff. I just think that if you put them in certain spots they just vanish from sight.
that happended to me too i think that the perfect ones go off and try to win a contest ya my perfect ones left me too
it's been happening to me for the past 3 or 4 snowmen i've made. :/ makes me sad because i miss my snowmen. =*(
You probably planted him in a weird spot and he go shifted over.

Like I planted one on top of a sapling and saved and quit, but later when I checked back it was moved off of the sapling. So it could have been moved into the lake and that's why it disappeared? >_>
it happens if you put the snowman in between 2 permanent objects (i.e. cliff and tree). it deletes itself because it can't move over to get out of the way of the cliff or whatever.
nah, i never time travelled. sucks the game allows us to make snowmen in areas where it's just going to delete them. :/