Let's have a brief overview of everything that's happened on the Island so far...
Moved somewhere exotic with a doe and a squirrel!
Nook played us like Ja Rule at Fyre Fest
We considered refusing to help Gullivarrr until he shares some of that
Good Soda.
Partook in an only slightly clandestine exchange of medicinal herbs.
I wonder if that toothpick is possibly not helping matters, Zuck... we should get that looked at.
Talked about our trust issues.
Sheldon and I shared our disdain (born of inability) for stealth missions.
We all picked out secret code names.
Discovered that Aurora is clairvoyant.
Discovered that Ken is absolutely not. (No one wants that, Ken. No one.)
We pointed at... some things.
And we adopted a new flag!
Alright. Everyone all caught up? Time for shenanigans.