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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2015
Throwback Tickets
I have way too much time on my hands and way too wild of an imagination. As I fancy myself a bit of a writer, here's a little backstory to my sleepy, secluded village.

You may have heard the story before. An outcast, or a group of outcasts, making their way to paradise and settling down in a splendid manner. Well, this is sort of like that.

A long time ago, there lived a colony of birds. They made their homes in ragged nests atop the highest evergreen trees and on the craggiest cliffs. They viciously hunted and scavenged, notoriously ill-tempered and fierce. Sparrow and eagle alike worked to hunt and maintain this barren lifestyle, for they could not progress when life was spent fighting and scrounging for the next meal. Then... Things got a little odd.

While scavenging, an eagle found, at the base of a tree, a nest with a single, large, grey and green egg. Despite the fierceness brought on by the birds' Spartan lifestyle, they still had a sense of community. As the egg was unattended, the eagle knew he had to act fast. He settled gently over it, and began to call out with his powerful voice.

Soon, a pigeon came over to him. "Fly and find the owner of this nest. It must have fallen from this tree. Be quick! I cannot babysit all day." The eagle growled, a fierce gleam in his eye. The pigeon took off, and the eagle did not stir. Some time passed before the eagle saw the tiny silhouette of the pigeon.

"It's no one's. The little bird panted, chest heaving from the exertion.
"Well, what the Sam am I supposed to do now?" The eagle snapped. Thinking quickly, the pigeon saw an opportunity.
"Well, maybe I sit on the egg, and you bring me some food. I shan't need much. Besides, it looks like it's ready to crack soon." The pigeon eyed the egg, only slightly smaller than itself.
It was the eagle's turn to think. It was not in his nature to sit and hatch an egg when he could be soaring the skies, looking for his next meal. "Very well." He decided, nodding. He would feed the pigeon until the owner of the nest could be found.

Only a few days had to pass before the occupant of the egg was ready to make an appearance. After a difficult dance of several hours, a beak emerged, but a beak unlike any either pigeon or eagle had ever seen. Next came a round green head, two forelegs... And a shell! This was no bird. It was a creature they had never seen before.
"And what am I going to do with this?" Snapped the pigeon, tired of his period of being nest-bound.
"Why ask me?" Growled the eagle, equally irate. Bickering ensued.
The tortoise, for that's what it was, looked back and forth at them before beginning to crawl slowly out of the nest and towards the edge of the cliff. One foreleg was dangling over a 300 foot, straight drop, when the two birds noticed it. They both dove for it at once, and together plopped it back in the nest.
"What would it eat?" Asked the eagle, eyeing it warily.
"Where will it live?" Countered the pigeon. They eyed each other. This was no bird, but neither wanted the responsibility of caring for it, nor the guilt of not.

To be continued
Interesting story. I'm curious to know how this story will relate to your village! Kepp up the good work :]