Welcome to the Able Sisters, our new Pattern board for Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Use the main board to share Patterns you have created for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, or post nice patterns you found elsewhere in the From Other Sites sub board.
Able Sisters Board Rules
- You must supply an image of the QR code for your pattern or an image of your pattern in use as your first image in a thread. The first image supplied will be used as thumbnail for the thread, so choose wisely. Blank threads will be deleted after 24 hours.
- Patterns must be appropriate to a young audience.
- If you post a pattern which you did not create, you must post it in the "From Other Sites" sub board and include the source/credit in the post. Your thread may be deleted if you don't comply.
- It is highly recommended that you re-upload images to a reliable host such as Imgur or Minus to avoid images going blank in the future.
Guide to Posting Patterns Properly
1) Create a new thread in either the main board or the From Other Sites sub board. The main board is strictly for patterns which you made yourself. If you are re-posting someone else's pattern from another site, it must go in the From Other Site sub board.
2) Set the thread Prefix to the category that best fits your pattern. If your patterns fits multiple categories, select the category you designed it for. Feel free to mention other potential uses in your post.
Artwork: Basic patterns designed to be viewed two dimensionally. These can be used for paintings, flags, wallpaper, and carpets. These patterns can also be used in the other categories such as furniture.
[Example: coming soon]
Clothing: Patterns designed to be worn as clothing for a character.
Faceboard: Patterns designed for a Faceboard community project.
[Example: coming soon]
Furniture: Patterns designed for use on custom furniture.
[Example: coming soon]
Ground Scenery: Patterns designed for additional scenery on the ground such as water and astroturf.
[Example: coming soon]
Hat: Patterns designed to be worn on your head as a hat.
[Example: coming soon]
Path: Patterns designed for a ground pathway in a town.
[Example: coming soon]
Umbrella: Patterns designed to used as an umbrella.
[Example: coming soon]
[Example: coming soon]
Clothing: Patterns designed to be worn as clothing for a character.
Faceboard: Patterns designed for a Faceboard community project.
[Example: coming soon]
Furniture: Patterns designed for use on custom furniture.
[Example: coming soon]
Ground Scenery: Patterns designed for additional scenery on the ground such as water and astroturf.
[Example: coming soon]
Hat: Patterns designed to be worn on your head as a hat.
[Example: coming soon]
Path: Patterns designed for a ground pathway in a town.
[Example: coming soon]
Umbrella: Patterns designed to used as an umbrella.
[Example: coming soon]
3) Set the thread Title to best describe your pattern. Be descriptive as possible to make your pattern stand out from the others! Titles which are non-descriptive may be modified or removed.
4) Embed or upload images into your post. You can have multiple images in your post but the first image is the one which will show up as a thumbnail in the board index. It should be either the QR code or a screenshot of the pattern in use.
TIP: Include extra images in your post! For example, if your pattern is clothing, show your character wearing the clothes!
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can I post patterns for City Folk and Wild World in here?
Answer: No. This board is only for New Leaf patterns due to the QR code feature.
Question: I find a pattern on here to be inappropriate, what can I do?
Answer: Report the post and we will review the pattern.
Question: Can I post a pattern which I found from another website and did not create myself?
Answer: As long as it is posted in the "From Other Sites" sub board. Patterns posted in the main board must be of your own creation.
Question: I found my pattern posted on here without credit or my permission, what can I do?
Answer: Message a Staff member with proof you created it originally and we will be happy to edit the thread with credit or take it down depending on your request.
Question: Will we be able to use these patterns in future Animal Crossing games?
Answer: Only if Nintendo uses the same QR codes.
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