Well, hello there!

Mayor Killager

Killager Villager
May 1, 2016
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Yellow Cosmos
Yellow Candy

Why hello there everyone!
I be Kilager an' yes the Killager Villager. I won't kill anyone, I promise~
As I be sayin', I be the Mayor o' Starlit Village/Town. I also be a participant in Smash.
I really hope I am welcomed 'ere.
I be welcomin' you's all too~

Hi, I'm the admin; Melinda. Please excuse the way I typed down Killager. I am only typing down how she would say it. I'm also fourteen, 15 in June. Killager turns fifteen in July. Well, I really do hope that you guys (and gals) are hoping to welcome us warmly. Also, I LOVE to roleplay; just putting that out there.
Omg I love your username. I main as Killager too in smash. That's exactly what I call him too. My favorite one is the turnip girl one. WELCOME :)
Omg I love your username. I main as Killager too in smash. That's exactly what I call him too. My favorite one is the turnip girl one. WELCOME :)

My favorite be the one dubbed "Ness's Psycho girlfriend" which is what my account is based off of. I call her the Original Killager~
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Omg I love your username. I main as Killager too in smash. That's exactly what I call him too. My favorite one is the turnip girl one. WELCOME :)

My favorite be me, the one everyone calls "Ness's Psycho Girlfriend." I call myself the original Killager because I be lookin' like I would actually kill someone. Then, the admin made me into 'er own "oc" with a persona and everything~
Also, thank ya' for the welcome~

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Welp, I suck at postin.'