Well Here I Am

Mayor Jamal

Monado Bearer
Feb 3, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Hi everybody, I made this account a few days ago but I never got around to posting anything till today and here it is.

So I've just recently gotten into Animal Crossing and New Leaf is the first in the series I've ever played, I had some knowledge of the series before but it never really interested until a saw a lets play of New Leaf by Chuggaconroy which I was actually ignoring for a while since the game didn't interest me, but then I finally watched an episode and saw the game in action and it seemed like something I could get into, then came Christmas 2013 when I got the game and I've been playing it ever since...along with some Fire Emblem Awakening on the side. Anyways so far I'm loving the game, my favorite villager by is Beau, he can be soo sweet and adorable at times. I found this forum when I was joking about selling and buying villager on the forum for a game called Elsword, someone told me it actually happens and thus I directed to this place, it seemed nice so I decided to join and now here I am.
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