Well it's quite obviose

3 thing about this
1: its attention grabbing, meaning a topic for attention, if you really were leaving, you wouldnt make a topic, or you would spam it up

2: you wont leave forever because nobody can, many have tried, few could succeed

3: you can never truly ruin your reputation at tbt, i insult it all the time, have countlessly crashed many tbt members, etc. yet i am still here. Bam has spammed up the boards, done anythnig you can possibly imagine, yet he is still here. there are many more mentions but any who. all these points are valid so I say ahead of time, welcome back

*edit* also its spelled "Obvious"
-_- Somehow I feel it's my fault you feel like that. I shouldn't have posted that sig thingy... I knew it sucked and was crap, but I was pretty bored at the time. JJ, if I offended you at all, I am sorry.
G4 fan its adam sessler and morgan web XD

and what sig are you talking about ultra? ultra you dont have photoshop so for paint your sigs rock... if there is more to the story please tell me
Pie_Or_Die said:
G4 fan its adam sessler and morgan web XD

and what sig are you talking about ultra? ultra you dont have photoshop so for paint your sigs rock... if there is more to the story please tell me
My X-Play one. I used my dad's Photoshop to make it.

I do have Photoshop, but I sprite, so I use Paint. I've actually made some Sonic MMORPG fake screens, and they came out great.

EDIT: Proof I have Photoshop and I'm actually not that bad at it.

UltraByte said:
Pie_Or_Die said:
G4 fan its adam sessler and morgan web XD

and what sig are you talking about ultra? ultra you dont have photoshop so for paint your sigs rock... if there is more to the story please tell me
My X-Play one. I used my dad's Photoshop to make it.

I do have Photoshop, but I sprite, so I use Paint. I've actually made some Sonic MMORPG fake screens, and they came out great.
yes, but you mentioned something about it was your fault, expand on that story, i dont think im familliar with what you did... also no1 can truly make someone quit, its a personal desicion, you can however factor into the desicion, any who pm me or post it why you think you are at fault
Well, I was bored and thought, "Hey, I'll make a new thread about my new sig". I got one reply saying it was total crap, so...
:eek: you haven't done anything really bad yet.

if it is tat sig thing I really don't think that is a good reason....
Well, it seems to be the reason he made that topic, because he quoted me on "I didn't have a lot of time".
UltraByte said:
Well, it seems to be the reason he made that topic, because he quoted me on "I didn't have a lot of time".
UltraByte, don't worry about it.

JJ, you don't have to leave because of this sig thing, and nobody hates you.
Bulerias said:
UltraByte said:
Well, it seems to be the reason he made that topic, because he quoted me on "I didn't have a lot of time".
UltraByte, don't worry about it.

JJ, you don't have to leave because of this sig thing, and nobody hates you.
Yeah, JJ. I don't hate you, and a lot of others don't too.
Bulerias said:
UltraByte said:
Well, it seems to be the reason he made that topic, because he quoted me on "I didn't have a lot of time".
UltraByte, don't worry about it.

JJ, you don't have to leave because of this sig thing, and nobody hates you.
Well quite clearley Shadow_link does. Anyways, this is my last post, i'm leaving at a good number of posts:1700.Also, if I were a mod I would warn, if not ban, him. So goodbye forever.

Thanks to my friends: PoD, Justin, Bul, and everyone else, except for a few people.

This used to be a good forum, but now...it's just kinda ruined.

Its been fun,
huh... i think i missed something... >_>


see you at mirror?

uhh... this sort of sucks... nobody here can do art, and you're like, our most real critic... too bad nobody could live with it...
wait... so your saying this isnt a ploy... if i see you here like tomorrow browsing i will know it is. but if you are truly leaving. than I probably cant stop you, so i say best of luck to you and I hope you find something better than tbt

:'( bye
