Well this is kinda annoying...


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2008
So I wanted to check out DS suitcase to see what it did so I started it up. I found it apparnetly transfers your characters inventory into temporary storage on the DS so you can visit other peoples town. Problem is, I said I wanted to come back to Rover and my stuff was gone so I checked the instructions and learned how to transfer them back and when I did it it wouldn't let me on because my character had already been added. Now i have no money no tools and i can't order my clothes back (because I'm broke) :O >.< :'(


I am accepting donations if you're that generous! (no offence if you don't want to)
Coolio said:
coffeebean! said:
^^You really have to get a life n00b.
im not the one logging on here every day and complaining how someone took away my *CEN-2.0-SORD*. ;-)
But, your logging on everyday to be a douchebag.

Get a life you pimply arsehole, and go study for your exams.
well hoepfully the mods will get to this. He's been reported.

Getting back on topic,

sorry for your loss Riri. You have no tools whatsoever on your AC:CF character anymore?!
awwwwiiieeee poor you ='(
dw you'll show that evil ds suitcase by becoming a millionaire in ac! ^__^ then we'll see whose laughing!
I have a sling shot, axe, timer and golden shovel I just remebered I had them stored now. I also have no money and I lost my cow shirt. (you only lose stuff in your inventory,as well as any helmets and accesories you may be wearing.)

Edit: I hope I become an ac millionaire, I could just buy everything back easily, anyway I just need to get a watering can then I'll be able to plant more fruit trees. I can just sell some of my apples. That way when I sell my exotic fruit i can be more tols fish and catch bugs then MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHAHA...sorry I got a little carried away there... ;)
Riri said:
I have a sling shot, axe, timer and golden shovel I just remebered I had them stored now. I also have no money and I lost my cow shirt. (you only lose stuff in your inventory,as well as any helmets and accesories you may be wearing.)
I'll give you a lot of foregin fruit later, if you want. :3
Coolio said:
Axolotl Alex said:
well hoepfully the mods will get to this. He's been reported.

Getting back on topic,

sorry for your loss Riri. You have no tools whatsoever on your AC:CF character anymore?!
ooh, what's gonna happen now? are they gonna like, take away one of my posts? <big><big><big>:O</big></big></big>
Hopefully you;ll get banned, you little snot.
To Mr. Yippie: Really? That would be great because all my foreign fruit were planted this morning and I only planted one of each besides coconuts which I've covered the entire east beach, so if you could help me once again that would be great.
Riri said:
To Mr. Yippie: Really? That would be great because all my foreign fruit were planted this morning and I only planted one of each besides coconuts which I've covered the entire east beach, so if you could help me once again that would be great.
Do coconuts need to be planet exactly on the beach, or like near the like edge of the "peninsula" where your Lighthouse would go?
Coconuts just need to be planted near the sand vut not on it. Ex. the grass just above the sand or those cliff thingyies (I have a low volcabulary XD)
As long as their in the south most acre they can grow... To guarantee that they grow, keep them away from other trees so they aren't crowded and be sure to water them often...