Nah, I definitely was not popular, more of the quiet girl in school. Really, I don't think there was "popular" kids in my school. Most of the kids I grew up with in school were horrible, talkative, rude kids. No popular kids at all.
I'm not that popular, but everyone knows my name and respects me. I'm known as the really smart, quiet kid who does their work at lightning speed. The only reason most people talk to me is to ask me for help, and I almost never initiate conversations myself. So I'm going with the in between, because I don't know if people like me, but I know that a lot of people respect me.
I had a small group of friends in elementary school, one friend in high school, and now zero friends in university. So nope Since I'm in a selective program though (all of my classes this year have 14 people) people know me, I'm just not close with anyone. So people will say hi to me but I've never hung out with people outside of class or been invited to anything.
Going to say yes for high school and moderately so for university. Everyone knew me in high school, but to be fair that’s because I went to a really small high school. A lot of people still know me in university, so yeah. I don’t go out of my way to talk to people usually, but if someone strikes up a conversation with me I won’t decline.
Was and still am. I'm your typical Elle Woods type-- a seemingly dumb blonde who actually can do well academically. I'm quite feminine and I have some conventionally attractive 'features', and kinda just have mostly trendy interests, so I have a lot of friends and I've been told that my group is the 'popular kids' so, yeah.
No, I was never really popular even though I did have some friends among the popular kids. I was the quiet, smart girl. People knew me well enough but I never really felt included outside of a very small group of close friends.
I was in band and had my group of friends from that. I wasn't like the popular party type, but I had friends and people knew me. I was supposedly known by some people that didn't know me as smart lol. It's funny because it is 11 years later, and a girl I went to elementary school and high school with was waiting outside a classroom by mine for a conference and noticed my name and remembered me, and I had totally forgotten about her. So, I guess in reality as long as you were involved in school in some way, people will often at least know you.
Also in college I suppose I branched out because I made a friend group the first day of one of my classes that I spent so many Wednesdays and weekends with going out and spending the night at their places. That was probably the most fun I had had with a group.
I wasn't in the "popular" crowd but people knew who I was. In grade school we all lived in the same basic area so we couldn't help but know each other. I was a tom boy and played field hockey so in middle school I was "the field hockey goalie" because for the first time in years our team was doing well. I also got into a situation with a guy who said something rude about one of my friends and slammed his head into his desk so my name got around because of that. In high school I got pregnant and had my son. Needless to say everyone knew me as "the pregnant one" and then as "the girl with the kid". I really only ever hung out with my closest friends but people always chatted with me. One of my guidance counselors said I was "approachable" so people liked talking to me even if it was about nothing. To this day strangers will suddenly start chatting with me. lol!
For better :
A+ student (in terms of classes and exams), friendly, open minded, somewhat cute (to some people seemingly), etc.
For worse :
Hard temper, not gentle at all against my appearance, getting naughty too often, etc.
But actually I was too busy to care about how my mates see me at the time, busy for work to afford myself. I knew those "better or worse" things through talking with my friends when I got a bit older.