What a Place!


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2016
Hey everyone,
I am so happy to have found this place! I have been dying to find a place to share my love of all things Animal Crossing. Originally, I found this site looking for Animal Crossing amiibo card stuff and was pleasantly surprised to find a place that had everything related to AC including a place to sell and trade the amiibo cards. Too cool! :D

Anyways, about me: I'm Mynelle and I have been addicted to Animal Crossing since the Game Cube days. I eventually got Wild World and I couldn't go anywhere without that game. I. was. OBSESSED! Haha The AC games have been at the center of my gaming heart since I was young and I don't think I will ever grow out of it!

Short intro is short, but it'll do. :) This is just a brilliant place and I hope to spend a lot of time here. :D