What about Nintendo? [town]


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2008
Alright, So I plan not time traveling like I promised my self maybe 15 times? I have no clue but here is some rules till I get some tiles. etc.

1. Don't run, I hate the mud popping up everywhere. If you do run make sure if you pick up a tile that you tell me. I'm not a person with eyes behind my head that can see where every tile is.

2. I MEAN NO ON THIS! Don't you ever leave trash or items unless you tell me and tell me the reasons and you will pick them up.

3. If you see any kind of weeds, may you please pick them?

4. If there is ever a item in Mables and you buy it? May I look at it and catalog it? I might have been going to Town Hall and getting money out of the bank.

5. You can pick up sea shells for Pascal if you ever plan on seeing him in your town.

6. You can't cut down trees or run over flowers. I'm planning on making my garden of mine.

7. This is not a rule but may you shop at Nooks? Thanks!

8. This is going to rule number 2. Don't leave tires, cans or any thrash that is in the ocean. I'll be very angry and I may delete you off my friends list.

More to come soon and friendcode will be updated.