What animal crossing is best


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2009
what animal crossing game is best so far in your option?
sorry if this in wrong section i got confused.
Having been playing the series since its N64 days way back in 2001, I can safely say that City Folk is by far the best in the series. It melds everything the previous two games introduced plus more.
But the first one was so much fun.
City Folk was alright too, way better than Wild World. But it would have been a lot better if they would have given it gamecube/classic controller support.
i hate the rotating world.... its horrible! I hated it in the DS,and i was pissed wen it got carried over to city folk!

Original animal crossing ftw!
city folk forever! wild world sucked... horrible quality and the town size was pitiful. the original comes in a close 2nd.
vampiricrogue said:
i hate the rotating world.... its horrible! I hated it in the DS,and i was pissed wen it got carried over to city folk!

Original animal crossing ftw!
Funny that. The rolling log effect was a way for Nintendo to get around having frame rate drops in Wild World, but why it was carried over into City Folk is beyond me.