What are coffee beans for?


Aug 4, 2013
Gift Box
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Old Gameboy
Chomp Call
I just started working for Brewster and he's paid me in good and premium coffee beans...do they serve any purpose or are they just for display?
They have no purpose other than selling. It would make more sense if he just paid in bells anyway.
you can put them up for sale in the flea market section of retail for up to 7500 bells :3
I wish they had more purpose but they actually look pretty cute in your house >W< I use them for that anyways :p
I was thinking maybe we could make to-go cups with the coffee making equipment? Idk cuz I don't have that stuff yet. . . I keep forgetting I can work at the coffee shop and usually just order some coffee. XD
I always wondered about what to do with them. Then talking to another ACNL player suggest to sell them to and gets some bells out of it. It would have been nice if you could do something with them in the game. The coffee items i hold on to the coffee beans now just get sold.
i wish you could actually make coffee with them, but they're for selling i believe
Awww what? That sucks. I wish you could have put them in the little coffee maker or something and then picked which coffee you'd like to make or something and then make little takeaway cups of coffee for yourself. especially since they don't always sell for that much...