what are his intentions?


Acnl addict
Aug 7, 2015
October Birthstone (Opal)
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Before I start this long story, I want strangers point of view from this, lol thanks:lemon:
about a year ago, I started working at this grocery store and one of my coworkers introduced me to this guy that worked in a different department, I found out he was a year older than me and went to my school. Throughout the year I always staring at me at work and school, however he never talked to me. I also found out a lot of girls liked him because hes popular and hot. In that while we followed each other on Instagram (I requested first). I started liking him so last month I finally talked to him to ask something about the store and we just talked about work for a bit and when he left I said bye to him and he did the same. He seemed nice and said hi to me in hallways at school when I saw him. Last week I dmed him on Instagram asking about something that happened at our school he answered nicely saying he didn't know, and I answered saying something that he could've answered but left me on read. Then on Christmas Eve he was working and so I was I. He said hi to me and I went up and complimented him on his haircut and we were talking about work and I was telling him about my bad coworker and he said he was leaving early and I joked with him saying to take me home too. He then said he has to go to somewhere to pick up his sister but he could. I said I lived in the other direction and he said oh maybe next time. Fast forward an hour and he was doing a time consuming task and I asked what he was doing and asked if he wanted help because I was bored. He said sure and the whole time we were having a conversation about our lives, when I told him I wanted to go to this prestigious university he said wow you must have the grades for that. after when we were done he thanked me. When he was leaving I called him over and asked for his Snapchat, I added him and he said bye and walked away. 3 days later he still hasn't added me. So what is this guys intentions? (I also know he added my coworker last month and was snapchatting her for a bit)
I guess wait until you seen him again to find out for sure.
I’d say he’s not worth pursuing romantically.

If someone is interested they will want to talk to you and will add you right after. It looks to me like he’s only interested in talking during work.
Ofc it’s not in every case. Maybe he’s shy, doesn’t like social media, playing hard to get, etc. But from an outsider’s view he’s not trying to get to know you better and not really putting effort in it (leaving you on read, not adding you on Snapchat)
Yeah I'm gonna go with it being platonic thus far. Also, I'm not sure about your age but my partner is in his late 20s and when we first started talking, he wanted to know all about me. He would often text first and want to hang out when I wasn't busy. Even in a non-romantic relationship, people who want to hang out with you will make time and put in effort.
I’m just going to be blunt here, nothing you have said points to him being interested in you. You’ve started all conversations and interactions with him. If he was interested he would go out of his way to talk to you
id say his intentions are to be a nice person lol i dont think hes particularly interested romantically
You have to realise in the work place people try their best to not alienate their colleagues, or themselves. I think he's just being cordial for the sake of work, I would suggest not pushing too hard on this.... that's my read on the situation.

Unless something is to emerge more naturally, avoid close relationships at work, it's a pain in the ass for the people involved and it alienates the other workers also. Unless you're willing to change job in order to pursue this guy, I'd seriously lay off and not feed this crush - because that's what it is.

Also... try not to invest too much energy in social media, focus on school. If he's snapchatting some other girl, it's not your business. I'm not trying to be cruel, it's just you need to not push too hard, in every interaction it seems to be you pushing, or a 3rd party, from what I can tell, mocking you, and the boy in question trying to smooth it over without offending you.