What are some things you realized about New Leaf after going back to it for this event?


Salmon Run Survivalist
Aug 17, 2013
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
What are some things you realized about New Leaf after going back to it for this event? Both good and bad things are fine.

For me:

- Custom designs look much more rough/blocky compared to NH as it’s lacks NH’s pixel smoothing.
- The music is so good
- Villager dialogue is more interesting
- I know many people dislike Mr. Resetti, but it was actually kinda refreshing to be greeted by him (never thought I’d say that lol)
- I really don’t miss worrying about villagers randomly moving out. I’ve been time travelling for a turnip price over 200 and I hate being on edge of doing it wrong and having someone move out on me. 😬
The music is sooo much better than NH's. I actually had my volume up full instead of off like I do while playing NH.
I also really prefer the items in NL, as well as missing some of the older clothing options. No idea why they couldn't have just added those as well as the new stuff.
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I actually miss how New Leaf's custom designs let you do pixel art ;u; Sometimes the way New Horizons smooths them out makes me go "no not like that", and it's a little confusing to work with because your canvas is still pixelated.

Mostly I'd forgotten the quality of life improvements, like bells automatically being added to your wallet and fruit stacking itself. I knew the music was good and that I preferred it vastly over New Horizons, but actually hearing it in-game again really made the difference striking.
I actually miss how New Leaf's custom designs let you do pixel art ;u; Sometimes the way New Horizons smooths them out makes me go "no not like that", and it's a little confusing to work with because your canvas is still pixelated.

Mostly I'd forgotten the quality of life improvements, like bells automatically being added to your wallet and fruit stacking itself. I knew the music was good and that I preferred it vastly over New Horizons, but actually hearing it in-game again really made the difference striking.

Yes I both like and dislike how custom designs were changed. The pixel look in NH would clash too much with the HD graphics but the smoothing effect is definitely far from perfect. If only we could choose ourselves which parts we want smoothed and how.
The music is incredible and S+ tier. I always knew that, but wow, the nostalgia. So much better than NH for me. I actually would listen to the NL music on my own, too, even outside of gameplay, but not NH.
Going back to NL reminded me of so many things that I forgot:
  • The music is a banger i miss it sm -- NH doesn't hit the same
  • There were so many more shops and I forgot just how big T&T Emporium was! I understand the small island vibes of ACNH but... shopping yall...
  • Inventory and storage management was a hassle
  • Mail! I could only keep so many letters. How did I survive?! I can't bring myself to get rid of any letters in ACNH even though I'm at the limit.
  • Villagers were so much more fun in ACNL! I miss being asked for favours and silly things.
  • There's so many furniture sets and items that I miss! A lot of the silly items like my card sets, chess set, etc.
    ACNH has its own very charming items but... it's not the same, and still feels too... cohesive, I guess.
  • THE LOADING TIMES. They're so short in ACNL?! even internet stuff, like visiting someone else!
and on less game-related notes:
  • younger me went sort of insane with perfect trees
  • younger me also clearly had no interest in decorating outside but damn did i really like decorating houses
  • i both remember more and less about the game than i expected to
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I completely forgot abt how annoying it is when ur missing grass on the land. It adds to the landscape but 12 y/o me had no idea that sprinting kills ur grass fast
I forgot the photobooth was a thing until I tried to visit my friend's town and had to take a picture.
I miss the crunchy graphics, the music, the characters, the general nostalgia : ( It definitely has a different vibe to ACNH and I wish I could play it online for a little longer.
I’m total agreement with the above posts, especially with the music, the joy of going up to Main Street, and all the fun furniture sets. Planting flowers on the beach that grow! Also kinda miss the jellyfish ngl. I also miss having the mini games, they’re so much fun. And Tortimers island?? I miss it sm. There were just so many more things to do in nl compared to nh, where it’s kinda just decorate or die.

On the other hand, ew why are there only 8 pattern spaces, yuck my inventory gets full so quickly you have to resort to stocking items in your mail, and damn are clothes and character customisation better in nh.

More funny things I noticed are:
- younger me had too much time on my hands
- I really liked making rainbow patterns in my flowers
- I FORGOT ABOUT THE MII HEADS? They’re so funny and out of proportion 🥹
Just realize I posted in the wrong thread my bad guys 😅
I realized it’s way better than new horizons. The decorating aspect is way more chill and limited which honestly has a certain charm to it. I also realized the house payments from Tom Nook are much more obtainable that in NH 😭