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What are your AC goals for 2021?


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Just thought it would be fun to share what we're hoping to achieve in-game this year.

Completing my critterpedia- I believe I've caught every diving creature possible without time travel, I have been more lax about bugs and fish but I'm hoping to at least progress towards those, and hopefully get all diving creatures in the first year so to speak.

Museum- as well as adding the new catches I also want to add more to the art which is what I always struggle with. For example Redd is on my island today and his one genuine piece of art is something I already have so is of no use. Hopefully I'll be able to get more over the course of the year.

Those are my major goals, what about you?
I also hope to finish my museum this year I only have the fish and bug sections left to do :) I also want to let people come visit my island as I am so close to finishing :)
I definitely want to complete my museum! I got a bit lazy with catching everything as time went on so I'm hoping this year to step my game back up. other than that my island is 'complete' but there are a few sections I'd love to revamp and get them to exactly where I want them to be
I'd love to play with friends more, so here's to hoping for more activities and minigames from this year's updates.

As for personal goal, it would be to actually decorate my island the way I really want it to look. That goes for houses too. I worked on it for two months, said "I'll finish later" and then suddenly it's January. I've been pushing it off way too long. 😳
My AC goals for 2020 are to finish doing all of the rooms on Harv's island so that I can take some super cute photoshoot pictures with my villagers there, since its 2021 and we STILL can't invite villagers into our homes. 🙃 I also want to get better at playing every single day even if it's for the smallest amount of time ever. I get behind for months due to hectic and emotionally draining school and work events and then I have to speed thru the months to catch up with everyone, and it's always stressful and a bummer. But I want to get better with it this year! I also wanna be better about actually donating to Blathers lmao. My museum is sadly quite empty still.
AC Resolutions:
  1. Talk more to my villagers. I tend to only talk to the ones I still need a picture from, but even if I play everyday it happens a lot that a villager will mention they haven't talked to me in over a week.... ooops! Definitely don't wanna ghost my villagers in 2021! I also want to interact with them more, and giving them presents, check if they're making DIYS or are being sick etc.

  2. Completing my museum. Or at least put a little more effort into catching critters lol. In previous games I liked catching a bit more since it didn't have the stress of breaking tools. But even swimming I rarely do. I don't necessarily need to complete my encyclopedia this year, but I do want to make more effort catching stuff. Or just catch and chill in the evening hours :)

  3. Make more custom designs. I tend to get a lot of designs online, which is fine. But I'm a really creative person so I would like to be able to make some proper designs myself. Dusfar I only made 'merch' out of the same patterns i use for my town flag and museum sign. But I want to make more personalised stuff as well, for me but also for my villagers to wear :) So i would need to look up some pixelart tutorials and get crackin!

  4. Play acnh consistently. New leaf i got bored after 3 or 4 months, because I bored/burned out myself by timetraveling and *not* hacking. I will definitely not do that this time, and hopefully will keep the pace I have going on now. Playing almost daily around holiday events, but in low seasons (such as september) at least play 1 or 2 times a week :) I love my little island and will do my best not to neglect it. If i keep changing little area's according to season I think that might help as well
My major goal is to keep my current island and not ending up in some sort of resetting madness again. I don't know why I always tend to reset instead of just redesigning the island and make the best out of it. So far, the island I have right now is the best one compared to my previous islands.

Otherwise, I hope to complete the museum at some point as well as turning my ideas I have into reality.
Just like the others I also aim to finish my museum/critterpedia (not counting on getting too much art done).

I also want to keep progressing with the longterm nook miles goals (e.g. fish a lot, catch bugs, etc.) as I do wanna have all done at some point ;)
And for 2021 I wanna collect all the non-seasonal diys and expand my catalogue. Been quite slackt trading with others for different furniture colors etc.

All in all I want to keep playing consistently (went quite well this year), and hope for some great updates!
i completed my museum a couple of months ago now i'm trying to collect all diys, i only need 17 more ☆
that includes the gold axe so i'm spending my day hitting trees like 5,000 times lol
1. I need to complete my art collection. I only need the real gallant statue and for some reason Redd doesn't want to give one even though he gave me 4 great statues...

2. Island hop to get my favourite villager. Still haven't found him :(

3. Complete all achievements for all 5 of my player characters.

4. Maybe get some new inspiration for island designs. I like mine right now but I might want to change it up.
my island is finished, my museum is completed and I cataloged everything that I wanted so now I am trying to play ACNH without specific goals, I am trying to enjoy the game for what it is, it is not easy because I miss the old NPCs so much but yeah I will try my best to accept the missing items, the missing NPCs, the missing mini games...
Oh man feel your red pain only have half and even with my hubby’s help it’s a pain getting something I don’t have.
I’d really love to finish fixing up and terraforming my new-ish island. I started in October but I haven’t finished a single area yet so I would love to tackle that this year. On my main island I’d definitely love to finish out my museum. I’m close but I haven’t been devoting much time to catching fish/bugs lately. I think by the end of 2021 I could have a complete museum. I’d also like to start gifting my villagers more things and interacting more. There’s so many possibilities of what I can do next!
1) I’d like finish building my island and eventually upload the dream address. I’m about 1/3 way done with the terraforming and need to finish with the rest as well as working on the exterior decors. The interiors will be saved for last, but if I can accomplish this it’d be my biggest acnh achievement for 2021

2)Obtain all my dreamies. Currently I have 4/10 dreamies so I’d liketo work on getting the rest of them. It’s challenging though because I don’t like to TT that much so I hardly ever get my villagers to ping me fastly enough..

3)like many has mentioned in this thread I’d like to complete the museum if possible. I have the fossils done, and think I’m close on the sea creatures. Bugs and fishes will be challenging but I think the most difficult part will be art because I hardly ever have redd on my island?? That is if I want to do this naturally vs buying/trading with others

4)My more ambitious goal of the year is to complete all orderable furniture catalog if possible. This will quite obviously take a long time to do and might cost me quite a bit of fortune, so for now it’s tentative and I will do this more naturally instead

5) talk to my villagers more often and work on building friendships with them -right now I’m ignoring them quite a bit because my focus has been on working on my island. But I’d like to be better friends with my neighbors so I will set a goal to talk to them at least every 2-3 days. If possible, once I have all my dreamies I’d also like to obtain their photos.

6) would like to be more active in online play so I can get my money’s worth out of that online membership fee lol yeah I’m cheap like that, but at the same time I thinkthe gameplay is also way more fun when you have friends to play with. Unfortunately my irl friend has abandoned her island and moved on to other games that are more enticing to her, so I’d like to make new friends online through the forum.
Get some of these terraforming projects out of my head and onto my island. Also put down a transparent custom design around my flowers to stop them from spreading.
This year I'd like to complete my critterpedia, reorganize the houses of my villager on my island and that's about it !
Completing my critterpedia will mean that my museum will also be complete aside from the art gallery, I'm excited !
As everyone else said, finish my Museum. I have 2 deep sea creatures in March needed to finish deep sea creatures. The last milestone is really just art. I haven't even tried this year to do art, so I will have to commit to it this year.

Collect photos from all my villagers. In 2020, I only received Ankha's and Mitzi's. So I need to work harder on that.

2)Obtain all my dreamies. Currently I have 4/10 dreamies so I’d liketo work on getting the rest of them. It’s challenging though because I don’t like to TT that much so I hardly ever get my villagers to ping me fastly enough..

Which dreamies are you looking for? I might be able to help you complete this one.
As everyone else said, finish my Museum. I have 2 deep sea creatures in March needed to finish deep sea creatures. The last milestone is really just art. I haven't even tried this year to do art, so I will have to commit to it this year.

Collect photos from all my villagers. In 2020, I only received Ankha's and Mitzi's. So I need to work harder on that.

Which dreamies are you looking for? I might be able to help you complete this one.

That is so sweet of you, tysm! My missing dreamies are Gabi, Katt, Marshal, Grizzly, Gloria and TBD for the jock villager. You definitely don’t have to do this, but if you do happen to come across them and want to get rid of them I’d happily take them off of your hands :) I’m all set on obtaining Gabi from someone but have been passively looking for the others. My main struggle though is that I can’t seem to get the villagers I want to kick out with thought bubbles.. lol not sure what I’m doing wrong.