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What are your Disappointments you felt in the 2.0 update?


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Please Note: This thread is not meant to hate on the game or try to tell others how to feel or think of the game this is just my own opinions and its fine to disagree, I am grateful that Nintendo has improved the game but there are some things that still bother me. I just wanna make that very clear:

Okay so the one thing that really bothered me when the 2.0 update came out is that the airport system is still flawed. I was really hoping that after a year they would fix the annoying issues with the airport system how it takes so long to visit other people's islands, but then I found out its still the same. May I ask why? You see when you first have the DLC you had to watch this long cutscene about what it was about and thankfully once you see it you don't have to see it again. So why can't we just not have loading screens whenever we are visiting someone's island? Is it to much to even fix? The online play is still just has flawed as it was before the update came out.

Another thing that annoyed me is that they never even bothered to upgrade Nook's Cranny. You mean to tell me they added all of these new items in the game and the one upgrade to the shop is that it can only hold 5 items? I hate bringing this up and I know some may get tired of it but in New Leaf when you had the shop upgraded fully it was able to store so much variety of furniture items so why can't they even expand on it? Even if you don't have the DLC you're going to have problems obtaining the new items because its based on RNG if you get the new items or not. Its best to have the DLC because at least when you're inside Lottie's office you get most of the new items.

Finally and this last thing really bothered me and its the lack of bulk crafting. I know some people maybe annoyed by this but I'm sorry but I really hoped they would improve on the crating system. Even though they added the storage shed which is a great addition it still takes time to get materials out of storage and craft them. Not to mention you constantly have to keep mashing A if you want to continue crafting multiple items. My thumb is always so sore for crafting so many items especially fish bait. All I'm saying is that it would've been better if there was a feature that said "Craft multiple" that way it would not be so tedious.

In conclusion and I have to make this clear again, I do enjoy the 2,0 update and the DLC and I am very grateful for Nintendo for at least adding so much more to do in the game and its the best update we've had in a long time, but those 3 major things I mentioned was the thing that set it back from being perfect. Its okay if you disagree and I understand but I would like to know what are some of your disappointments you felt in the 2.0 update?
I think the update is incredible and I am so grateful to have it, particularly during a time when I need distractions. If I had to choose something I wish it had included, I guess it would be additional custom design slots or maybe allowing an extra two villagers on the island. That being said, I’m in no way complaining that the update didn’t contain these things! They did an amazing job.
no lemons, not even on kapp’n islands D:

also no zen bells like in new leaf, those were really cool where when you touch them everybody in the town hears it no matter where they are. They looked really cool too.

also moving the town halllll i know tons of people want this and some people are resetting just to move their town halls, it’s really kind of sad and i‘d think it would be a relatively easy thing to add.

and also the shrunk funk shuffle :/
Another thing that annoyed me is that they never even bothered to upgrade Nook's Cranny. You mean to tell me they added all of these new items in the game and the one upgrade to the shop is that it can only hold 5 items? I hate bringing this up and I know some may get tired of it but in New Leaf when you had the shop upgraded fully it was able to store so much variety of furniture items so why can't they even expand on it?
I have to very much disagree here
Because in new leaf, when you remove all the items that are are in the NH cabinet, or sold by leif, there are only 5 items on sale as well.

Right now we are sold more items than in new leaf even with less shop upgrades.

The only thing we don't have in there is Gracie.
But she only actually sold 4 sets of furniture.
So its not like she added lots of variety.

But yeah, right now, we if you ignore gracie, we have more being sold to us per day than ever before.

If you add gracie, then we are lacking a selection of 4 item sets

So it's not as huge a deal as it might seem
I wish we'd gotten the tropical fruit from the islands in New Leaf, and I can second wishing there was at least one more Nook's Cranny upgrade. Working towards the upgrades was actually one of my favorite things to do in the older games, weirdly enough, so it's disappointing there isn't another one! I also do miss some of the NPCs, especially Gracie-- I also wish Lyle was included in Happy Home Paradise, because he's one of my favorite characters. So yeah, while I'm happy with the update, I'm also a little surprised that it's the last one, because I still feel like there's so much more that could be added to the game.
- No bananas
- No perfect fruit
- KK not moving to Café
- It's small but is Brewster supposed to be this soft spoken?
- No GracieGrace + GracieGrace furniture
- More in-game pathways to choose from would have been groovy
- No Tortimer's Island + Minigames

That aside, I am really loving this update!!
To answer the question this time
The only thing the game is missing is a reason to actually play with friends
Some activities to do together that can't be done alone, and probably better not done alone, are strongly missing

They made this a game with multiplayer in mind, and yet they gave us no reason to
Its a shame
Mini games were lame before, but they were actually something to do.
And me and my friends did them a lot because we loved spending time in the game and together
There's a few specific items I would have liked to see come back, but honestly they added so much that I can't really complain.

Maybe I would have liked to see more in the customization options for our homes and the rest of the island. More default paths, being able to change RS/the airport, enlarging the rooms in our house and more siding/roof options (especially the more fun ones from HHD and NL, like mermaid, mushroom, or gingerbread), outdoor rugs... but being able to change villager houses inside and out is awesome and I'm happy with that.
🌴 🍌🍌🌴
I feel like I have posted this somewhere else before but for a game that is advertise as a paradise getaway it still bothers me that there still isn't any bananas. I mean... cactuses, dead trees, and baobab trees have been added 👀
There are QOL features that I feel like should have been added that I don't feel like listing because there are quite a few.
But things are what they are. 🤠
I feel like I have posted this somewhere else before but for a game that is advertise as a paradise getaway it still bothers me that there still isn't any bananas. I mean... cactuses, dead trees, and baobab trees have been added 👀
I have mixed feelings on this
People think of tropical when the hear islands
But I live around so many islands
And not one of them is tropical
If not for being a well established country
My homeland would probably be seen as just as island

So being an island paradise without tropical fruit never bothered me.
Because its an accurate depiction of where I do live

So while I agree options to be different are nice
I do get annoyed when people think island must mean tropics
I have mixed feelings on this
People think of tropical when the hear islands
But I live around so many islands
And not one of them is tropical
If not for being a well established country
My homeland would probably be seen as just as island

So being an island paradise without tropical fruit never bothered me.
Because its an accurate depiction of where I do live

So while I agree options to be different are nice
I do get annoyed when people think island must mean tropics
I get that, but honestly I just want to give Shari some banana trees around her house. Plus we do have snow.
Bananas were already part of the series and we have coconut trees which as far as I am aware are usually grown in the tropics anyway.
I get that, but honestly I just want to give Shari some banana trees around her house. Plus we do have snow.
Bananas were already part of the series and we have coconut trees which as far as I am aware are usually grown in the tropics anyway.
Personally I'm glad the fruit got cut purely because I'm a completionist and will have the fruit even if it does not go with my theme
Right now my island is orange only everything so obvs no other fruit is allowed
And on my old island where it was, I had no space for them

But I do think if they had a new game where fruit was easy to get, and had no achievement tied to it, having more would be great for options.

Sorry if it seemed I was venting on you
People just say so often that an island means tropical, that they forget than so many, probably most islands, are not tropical
The lack of QOL updates. I like the abd and the storage shed and the ability to travel from HHP to harvs and vice versa but bulk crafting and buying in bulk from ables and Nmt would be so wonderful. I’m sad it wasn’t included. Mystery island hopping would be great and if they can have us travel between HHP and harvs then surely island hopping should be possible so it’s annoying to have to go back to the airport between islands. I also wish that flowers could die or at least be stored because I’m starting to hate them because I have too many and it’s a pain to thin them out

I do love the update though