What are your favorite tropes from TV Tropes?


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
The site TV Tropes has a lot of themes and motifs that occur in more than one work of fiction. But out of all the tropes, what would be your favorite?

For me, I would go with Irony, especially when I read the real life examples. I also like Meaningless Villain Victory, The Dog Bites Back, Nice Job Breaking it Hero/Nice Job Fixing it Villain, Breaking the Fourth Wall, and Be Careful What You Wish For. Regardless, I enjoy reading the examples on that site.
I don't do tvtropes, but I like it the thing where people go: "Drop all your weapons! I said all of them"
Not really too into that kinda stuff, but I have always felt the "moths flying out of the wallet".
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I love redemption arcs. Zuko comes to mind for this

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Oh.. I think I misunderstood lol. Is TV Tropes a website?
Old thread but I still have to reply to this one.

My favorite is Misaimed Fandom, even though I just read through it today. There's so many examples of people not realizing when something is clearly making fun of them and think it's for them. I also like the articles that have to do with censorship, like Bowdlerization or Banned Episode, because I like seeing what (usually stupid) reasons shows have gotten into trouble for.

Also, my favorite genre is Video Games, Live Action Film, and Western Animation.
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I have many favorite tropes on TV Tropes, but a lot of my favorites are...

Breaking the Fourth Wall

Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever

Episode Title Card

Word, Schmord!

Literal Metaphor

Shout Out

Actor Allusion

Verbal Tic



Color-Coded Characters

O v e r l y L o n g N a m e

Punny Name

Show Within a Show

...and a lot more!
TV Tropes is one of those weird websites where, once I start reading things on it, I find it very hard for me to stop. I think once I spent 4 hours straight just reading random things, looked at the clock, and was genuinely surprised at how fast the time flew by.

I mostly read stuff that's listed under the "horrible", "removed/banned/missing" tropes, "what could have been", and others I can't think of. Yeah, some of the phrases and quotes that are shown for certain tropes are a bit cringy and are more geared towards "normies" as they say, but it's nothing bad.

There are some genuinely interesting things you can learn there. For example, for the "Take That" trope for music, I found out via that site that Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground released an hour-long album in 1975 (Metal Machine Music) that was nothing but droning white noise from an amp. Yep. No melodies, no vocals, and no instruments. Why was it released? Well, Reed had major disagreements with the executives at his record label at the time (RCA Victor), who wanted new material from him right away. So, in order to comply with the contract he was still under, he released Metal Machine Music as a "screw-you" to his record label, and jumped ship to Arista Records a few years later. This album isn't the new age stuff I like and fall asleep to - it's a very tough listen as it's just annoying white noise for an hour.

Also, I know those posts were made years ago, but if you've got nothing to contribute to a thread other than "I don't do/read/play ___", then don't post. Simple as that.
Some of my favorite extinct tropes are Reality Ensues and Some Anvils Need to be Dropped.
  • Reality Ensues - fiction usually plays by the rules of fiction, but realistic consequences still apply. This was later changed to “Surprisingly Realistic Outcome”, with much stricter guidelines on how to follow the trope.
  • Some Anvils Need to be Dropped - teaches a moral of the story, but such moral isn’t a basic life lesson everyone should learn, but rather something that challenges everyday norms that are otherwise wrong.
I changed my favorite trope to “The Reason You Suck” Speech. There's not really a reason, I've just found a lot of examples of the trope that I like.

I've also learned what my least favorite trope is. I really don't like Disney Death unless it's parodied or played for laughs, just any way that doesn't actually intend for it to be sad. If they really want to kill off a character, they should actually kill them instead of pretending to. By having a character seem like they're dead only to have them actually be alive, it just seems like they're trying to squeeze emotion out of you instead of actually wanting to be sad. I guess it's because you wouldn't want kids who see this to witness a beloved character dying, but still.
One of my favorite tropes is expressive accessory: when a character's accessory matches or reacts to the character's expressions.
I don't really care for the place, but I like that 'Scrappy Doo' is a trope and about character's who pretty much ruined the show. Mako from Legend of Korra got the Scrappy trope and I find that funny considering he was not only supposed to honor the late Mako who he is named after but also because he was the creator's pet. And they just butchered his character.