what are your favorite villagers?

My favorite is... Muffy, Pudge, Sherb, Marshal, Iggly, Dom, Zucker. (Number one goes to no one!)(honorable mentions: kidd, maple, Kyle, tybalt, merry, Wendy, lolly, ALL animal crossing villagers!!)

Why? I like muffy because she seems so dumb, cool, and cute at the same time, and her gothic vibes is the best! At first time when i meet her i don't really like her and keep hitting her with a net, until i grow with her and love her more and more lol xD

Pudge expression is really funny and cute. He looks like he just ate lots of lemon and regret it and i love his color! They look like as colorful as gummy candies.

Sherb. I don't really like him at first and does not understand the hype in him. I mean, he is just a normal blue goat and looks like kidd! And when i accidently meet him on a mystery island, i fell in love. His big eyes, cheeks, nice color and lovely personality. "Since im big, you can ride on my shoulder!"

Marshal: i love him even before i started playing animal crossing. He looks sooo cute and thats why i play animal crossing lol. He is lovely, tiny, and perfect for a pocket friend!

Iggly. I never have him before but he is chonky, cute, chubby, adorable, dumb, and perfect for hugs. He is the cutest jock ever!

Dom. I loveee chubby villagers and especially sheep. I like his color pallete and cute expressions! I really want a plush of him!

Zucker: i honestly dont really like him but he is always following me lol, always, i have him on my old island before, when i started new island i meet him again, kick him, meet him again, and now i love him! His house exterior is my favorite!

In the end, you will love villager even if you hate them at first. Now, I love them all!
My favorite villagers are all the dogs. I’ll give a special mention to Mac, Goldie, Bea, and Bones.
My favorites have changed a lot as I have played, and will probably continue to change, though I do have top favorites who have stayed pretty much the same.

here are at least some of my favorites, right now











I love all my villagers (see whom below in my signature). I wish we could have up to 12, rather than ten— there are a few more peeps I would love to have but I am simply at the point where I am done cycling.

Of course, my all time favorite is Marshall— I love how he acts with bravado vis-a-vis smug persona, but deep down he is a shy softie. When I had Poppy, I noticed he hung out with her a lot, and it looked like he had an unrequited squirrel crush.
Favorite villagers, okay let's go:
  • Cranky - Octavian and Wolfgang
  • Snooty - Olivia and Ankha
  • Lazy - Zucker and Lucky
  • Peppy - Rosie and Cookie
  • Smug - Raymond and Marshal
  • Normal - Marina, Coco, June, Pekoe, Maple
  • Sisterly - Tammy and Reneigh
I lost interest in Jocks after I realized how obsessed they are with their own bodies Yup..jpg
My favorites have changed a lot as I have played, and will probably continue to change, though I do have top favorites who have stayed pretty much the same.

here are at least some of my favorites, right now

Tabby View attachment 383852

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BangleView attachment 383850

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You had such a great list until you got to Karen.
I think she summed herself up well in picture number 2 :p
I have a few of my favourites on my island. Flurry is OBVIOUSLY my favourite and she's staying forever, so I can look after her forever and ever and everrrrr, but I am also pretty settled on Audie, Marshal and Raymond and doubt they will ever be leaving.

I really like Blanche as a character, but she's sadly gotta go soon as her house won't fit my new theme that I'm working on (sort of a European cityish, with a heavy London influence as that's my old home and favourite place I've lived so far). Whilst I think I can incorporate a couple of villagers without the typical house styles that fit best, I can't do too many as I NEED them houses, damnit! Blanche's house just isn't going to work this time. Francine is a possible replacement, but I feel like I have to have Chrissy if I do that haha and I'm not sure I will have room for another peppy, without losing someone I want to keep. I want to have at least one of each personality type too.

I quite like Marcie, just because I like how the female kangaroos have the joey, so it feels like an extra person. I wish she had a nose. I would probably swap her for one of the other kangaroos if it would work with my system, but I haven't quite cracked it yet. Atm I'm sort of planning on making her pink house a daycare/nursery so it can still fit in the island, but it might not work.

Shari I am attached to for silly sentimental reasons - she was one of my starters and she amuses me by just randomly singing all over the place. But it sucks that her house interior is just that crappy starter one, though I have been giving her furniture to improve it. Again, her house wouldn't really fit, but I have built a small rural-ish area for her and Audie for now. Not sure if it will stay or not and if it doesn't then I might have to say goodbye to Shari :(

Apollo's house fits, but otherwise I am not super bothered about him as a character. Bud and Broccolo are gonna have to be replaced and I'm not bothered about that much.