What color is for you

If I was getting one, I'd get white, to match the colour and design of the Apple products Nintendo blatantly copied.

as great as black is, White is just cooler nowadays... because emo's stole black. D:

but yeah, if and when it comes out, i'm getting that lime green wiimote. <3
KatzMotel said:
If I was getting one, I'd get white, to match the colour and design of the Apple products Nintendo blatantly copied.
I didn't think Apple owned the rights to the color white... you know these things would just seem like they'd be for universal use. :rolleyes:
KatzMotel said:
If I was getting one, I'd get white, to match the colour and design of the Apple products Nintendo blatantly copied.
I didn't think Apple owned the rights to the color white... you know these things would just seem like they'd be for universal use. :rolleyes:
Nintendo themselves said they were "inspired" by apple.
That doesn't mean they copied.

Well, judge for yourself.

At any rate, I don't really think it's a bad thing. I certainly like the style myself.
If it's only black and white at launch.. I'd be all over white. Black is more manly, but the white is sleek.