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What day(s) do you hate and why?

Wednesday, I just get really tired and I have bad lessons. I don't hate Monday because I have double computing and history which are my two favourite subjects and fencing which I really enjoy.
Monday. I've had my longest school day on Mondays for the third year now and it's really annoying. This year I can't skip any of the classes either and both Pe and cooking end early so I have two 30 - 45 min breaks ugh.
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tuesdays feel like Mondays
and Thursdays feel like Fridays.

They're just wannabes.
Okay, my school has day ones and say twos, so I guess I can't really judge based on weekdays for the most part. Day twos are the best because of band and orchestra though.

But, based on weekdays,

Monday: Ew no get this away from me stop I don't need this in my life
Tuesday: Probably either going to commit a homocide or have an anxiety attack mid day
Wednesday: Early out plus dance = pretty good
Thursday: Pretty much the same as Tuesday
Friday: I'm usually having an anxiety attack before I even open my eyes because school is stressful and ****. But, after school I usually have/make plans with my friends (either real friends or youtube/netflix/hulu)
Saturday: I have dance in the middle of the day so it kinda messes with my flow, but
Sunday: Usually a lot of anxiety because of school the next day so I either stay at home or hangout with friends most of the time
I hate Sunday because its Monday the next day, but I hate Monday more except if its a long weekend.
I always get super super super depressed on Sunday nights. For as long as I can remember, it's been that way. It's not even a Monday thing, because Mondays suck and everyone agrees.

There's just something about Sunday night. Like another week is over, and I'm not any closer to the life I dream of...etc...it's pretty depressing.

But no matter what I do to combat it, I always still fall in a funk. If I make plans for something fun, I still get sad. If I have a great day with friends and family, I still get sad that night. If I'm with someone I love...it's just an opportunity for them to see that side of me. I honestly try to be positive, and make lists of all the great things in my life to be thankful for...nothing really helps. When it comes to bedtime on Sunday, I'm almost always hysterically crying.

I've been chronically depressed my whole life, to the point that I've just accepted it as part of life. The whole rest of the week I manage it, with friends, family, movies/entertainment, games, food, baths, walks, dancing like a lunatic, yoga and meditation...but that Sunday Night Blues is my mortal enemy. It's like all that work I did all week to pep up, just comes crashing down, and nothing makes it better except a good old-fashioned ugly-face crying my heart out. :c

Sorry if this was kind of a depressing post. But this is pretty much my favorite topic of discussion.
Lol, I was thinking of specific dates like "September 22nd" lol.

Sundays are awful because the weekends over and you have a whole week ahead of you, plus it's the shortest day (for me) because I wake up late, and go to bed early. Compared to Fridays (the best day!) when you wake up early and go to bed late.

But....I hate Tuesdays most of all. It's worse then Mondays for me because you still have a long week, but teachers are less forgiving then right after the weekend, so your homework load usually increases a bunch on Tuesdays.
Sundays. I'm forced to go church because of my parents and the general dread of school on Monday.
I hate Sundays. I've always hated Sundays -_-

Uhm, Sundays are just always so boring to me, supposed to be all "holy" and stuff.

And when I was young, I was so into this one cartoon and they would show it everyday BESIDES SUNDAY. IT'S JUST THE MOST BORING DAY OF THE WEEK FOR ME.

Not to mention when I had school, it was like an alarm clock, can't do this and that because you have school the next day even though it'S SUPPOSED TO BE A WEEKEND.

And uhm, there was this one time halloween happened on a Sunday and despite not having all the fun shows, they showed super scary ones and it was a nightmare ;A;

wait actually, except this season, sundays this summer has been the best (because new episode of haikyuu and gekkan) but when they're over, back to boring sundays :|