• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Found an interesting video essay that was 2 hours long so I did some low brainpower AC since I listen better when I have something else to do.​

  • Did some diving so I bumped in to Pascal. Only got a pearl unfortunately.
  • Ran in to a damselfly and decided I want a model of it so I snagged 4 of them. (1 for museum, 3 for model)
  • Foraged for some mushrooms. Hopefully they're more plentiful tomorrow. Only found about 3 this time. 🍄
  • New critters: Damselfly, Sea Cucumber, Dungness Crab, Red King Crab
  • New DIY: Mush Umbrella, Mush Wreath, Gong, Tree's bounty mobile
cleaned up my island a little. gave a few gifts to villagers. saw that flick was on my island and gave him a few bugs to make a model, then i realized i really want a ladybug model but only had 2 ladybugs so i went back to october to catch one last ladybug. now i'm on my way back to the fourth, which is when flick was on my island but i want to play day by day because idk i just want to, so i'm doing some small chores along the way and looking at my island trying to see what i want to do with it hhh
I went to tarantula island and caught six that I wanted for models.

Got bitten about 20 times. :D
  • In the morning, I sold my turnips at another player's island for 615 Bells!
  • Learned a Reaction from Timbra
  • Gifted a hat to Caroline
  • Cleaned up some Halloween decorations and re-purposed others
  • Re-decorated the first/main room in my house
  • Ran into Wisp and got a new wallpaper
The egg hunt took up all my attention so I had to play two days worth today.
  • Gave Harry, Tasha, Pecan and Eugene gifts. (Got Harry's photo! He's now ready to go.)
  • Destroyed a rock.
  • Picked up some mushrooms along the way. (They look very cute!)
  • Went diving! Caught the Dungeness Crab, Snow Crab and Sea Cucumber.
  • Shot down a balloon that had a Mush Umbrella DIY.
  • Went to a K.K. Slider show and requested Animal City again.
  • Proceed to the 2nd of November.
  • Gave Tasha, Pecan and Eugene gifts. (No photos today.)
  • Destroyed another rock. (They just won't spawn where I want them too.)
  • Went around digging up newly spawned flowers.
  • Picked some more shrooms along the way.
  • Caught a Damselfly.
  • Commissioned a Violin Beetle and Orchid Mantis model from Flick.
  • Went to someone's island for Celeste. (Received the Scorpio Lamp DIY.)
I'll have to focus on popping balloons for DIYs and catching the rest of the new November creatures tomorrow, as I play how I normally do once more.
  • Went around catching as many new ocean creatures, sea fish and bugs as I could. Caught about half of the ones I was missing, and a few pearls and scallops.
  • Got a mermaid dress I was missing from Pascal
  • Walked casually to my 2nd tier cliff and caught my first golden trout, no bait used! Figures this happens on the one day I didn't come prepared...:unsure:
  • Learned a new reaction from Walker. One more to go!
Still can't believe I finally got that golden trout :giggle:
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Today's Events...

  • Got my Yellow Butterfly Model in the mail from Flick
  • Had Saharah wandering around my island- Purchased the mystery wallpaper and flooring.
  • Redecorated my Nook's Cranny/Able Sisters shopping area.
  • Took down most of my Halloween decorations D:
  • Dug up some unwanted flowers on my beach.
  • Got a cute present in the mail from a friend.
  • Donated some new paintings to Blathers that I had bought from someone on here.
  • Crafted a bunch of items, and made a small library near my shopping area.
  • Demolished a bridge that was kind of useless.
  • Added a new incline.
This all happened over the few hours that I had before work. I was running around like a headless chicken. 😂
Now that Halloween is over, I feel like my island is super chill. Here is what I've been up to the past few days:

  • finished the red zen bridge in front of Marina's house
  • put up a new bridge to reach my campsite
  • paid off that bridge with Halloween decoration money
  • all of my bridges are complete!
  • talked to a few villagers
  • moved Muffy's house to adjust it slightly
  • changed the fencing from stone to stone and iron around Muffy's house
  • planted the beginning of a forest around Muffy's house
  • got my first mush DIY: the mush wall
  • updated my dream address when it had a super thick fog on it
Taking it rather nice and easy now that I'm getting back into the swing of things.
  • Gave Eugene, Tasha and Pecan presents (No photos).
  • Picked some more shrooms.
  • Destroyed a rock.
  • Did Label's check.
  • Went swimming for a bit. Caught the Red King Crab.
  • Shot down a few balloons, only got the Mush Umbrella DIY.
  • Logged back on after 9pm.
  • Went fishing, caught the Blowfish.
  • Farmed balloons for a bit, no DIYs found.
  • Tried my hand at catching the Sea Pig, didn't find any today.
  • Farmed balloons again for a bit, obtained the Mush Wall DIY.
  • Got bitten by a Tarantula, proceeded to curse it out.
  • Noticed that there were frequent shooting stars, so looked for Celeste and got a Scorpio fragment.
  • Farmed stars for a bit while watching a show.
Hopefully I can get enough Scorpio fragments from this.
This is all yesterday, but...

  • I did pathways, all connected (All houses, museum, both shops, and connected to the beach and also all the bridges and inclines that)
  • Started working on fencing up areas
I’m really proud of the work. 😄
i haven’t played in a few days and so now i get to play catch-up🤠

november 1st

🦌 checked the mail
🦌 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🦌 found mushrooms; 1 rare, 1 flat, 1 round and 2 elegant!
🦌 had a camper today; it was puddles! 💗
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🦌 bought turnips from daisy mae
🦌 got “only me” from mr. slider
🦌 sold stuff
🦌 customized hyacinth lamps for margie’s yard/garden
🦌 harvested and sold fruit
🦌 crafted a net and crescent-moon chairs ;/
🦌 did some fishing, bug-catching and diving
🦌 new fish caught; blowfish
🦌 new bugs caught; damselfly this one’s lowkey pretty so catch me commissioning some models of it😳
🦌 new deep-sea creatures caught; dungeness crab & sea cucumber
🦌 checked the recycling bin; found a bamboo-screen wall
🦌 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🦌 checked the shops and got frilly dresses (brown, green & yellow) from able’s and customization kits from nook’s!
🦌 completed some nook mile achievements
I've actually gotten a LOT done compared to the last week.

  • Started planning out my new residential area in the top left of my island.
  • Eaten a lot of fruit and moved a LOT of trees. (boy, the back half of my island is a forest)
  • Crafted and customized a bunch of furniture to decorate outside. (Mostly along the river...it looks so bare. I need street lights and cypress bushes. Curse the 5 item buy limit in Nooks Shopping)
  • Crafted fencing and hedges for villagers plots.
  • Asked Nook to demolish an incline that's now in the way of a design.
  • Ordered more books to make Tiny Libraries (gonna use them as fake mailboxes for my villagers plots!)
  • Planned out where I'm going to add a small graveyard.
  • Started to plan out where I'm going to make an overhead bridge. (Is that what it's called? When you are able to walk under it? IDK)
I believe that's it...for now! I have a lot of work to do still, and I'm excited (and a little scared) to move to the next thing! 🌺
i actually didnt get anything done this week bc i restarted my island and it just hurts that i have to get everything from scratch.
BUT i did finally finish the tutorial today ;-;
Still trying to play catch up to real time, but haven’t been able to play as much. It’s currently 10/10 in my game date, so I have not gotten the chance to celebrate Halloween yet even though it has come and gone IRL. But today’s activities included:
  • checking the mail (received a letter from Kabuki and my K.K. March I ordered)
  • saw that Redd’s ship was here as soon as I walked outside my house!! (I swear I have not seen this mfer in what feels like forever) so glad he didn’t have all fakes, was able to purchase a real serene painting.
  • watered my red roses (which I’m still hoping has the right genotype or else this would all have been for naught! I really don’t wanna have to go back to square one)
  • checked my beach for the daily bottled diy (nothing new) and star frags (had some scattered shooting stars the night before)
  • gave gifts to all my villagers and Jeremiah was crafting a spooky tower.
  • checked to see if any new items popped up in Nook’s (nothing of interest)
  • went shopping at Able’s for all clothes I did not yet have (I really wish they would implement a multiple buy option for the fitting room, it’s so tedious)
  • dug up my daily fossils
  • caught a Mahi Mahi while walking my beaches waiting for balloon presents. (Only the second Mahi Mahi I’ve ever caught, two more of these bad boys and I can finally get a model from Flick)
  • went diving for my daily meet up with Pascal and he gifted me a mermaid chair diy in exchange (finally something other than a f-ing pearl!)
  • decided to go shaking trees for acorns and/or pine cones, literally shook one tree 5 times and then I called it quits. thats so much more tedious than shopping at Able’s! It even made me stop playing for the day. lol so I ended my day there.
november 2nd

🦌 checked the mail; got 3 bamboo shoots from daisy mae + a reliable kitchen mat from mom!
🦌 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🦌 found mushrooms; 2 elegant and 3 flat!
🦌 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🦌 caught a carp for lily
🦌 caught a sea bass for beau
🦌 helped gulliver
🦌 sold stuff
🦌 got a pearl from pascal :3
🦌 collected star fragments off of the beach; got 3 regular and 1 scorpius!
🦌 shot down balloons; got a bingo wheel, 10k bells and a metronome!
🦌 crafted a fishing rod + spooky carriage
🦌 customized hyacinth lamps for margie’s yard/garden!
🦌 did some fishing and diving
🦌 new deep-sea creatures caught; snow crab & red king crab! just need to catch the sea pig now and i’ll be done for november! c:
🦌 checked the recycling bin; found a yellow-tulip bag ;/
🦌 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🦌 checked the shops; bought an apron skirt (purple) from able’s + customization kits from nook’s!
🦌 completed some nook mile achievements
I ended up spending the day time traveling back and forth with the second character to relocate my rocks all at once. I f'd up though as I lost those fragments I wished on the other day. Whoops

Haven't logged on as normal on my main all day. I may have to leave it for tomorrow though. I wonder if I'll unlock bedhair. 🤔
- Got all the new fish/sea creatures/bugs for November. Down to just 1 bug and 1 fish needed come December now, yay.
- Collected mushrooms
- Helped Gullivarr
- Cured Kabuki's cold
Rowan asked to leave!! :LOL:

Which means I can replace him with a villager I actually want in 2 days! Either Judy or Julian I think.
  • scrambled to do my dailies in the game because i was so busy
  • somehow lost a fossil; meaning i get another look-see today when i sign on

  • lobo's feckin' birthday
  • finally getting a lot of blue and purple flowers starting to spawn
  • wasted the fish bait i had attempting to catch new pier fish and failing
  • dived for way longer than i intended, nearly killed my thumb mashing my A button, but i got most of the new sea creatures
  • gifted prezzies, and talked to everyone but sandy (seriously sandy, i need you to move on already :c )
  • got my first mushroom related DIY from a balloon and promptly made it right after it was just the wand, nothing special, but still
  • saw a double rainbow o:
finally played again for the first time in a while!
- took down my halloween decorations at last (that to be fair I only really had in place because of the halloween events here) so everything is back to regular old autumn
- collected some mushrooms
- tried (and failed) to get some mush DIYs... I swear these balloons choose to ignore me
- started catching some of the new fish (and quickly gave up... considered making some fish bait but I was not in the headspace for that)
- gifted all my villagers using the fruit stack method, I've been seriously slacking on the whole 'getting photos' thing so I really need to get back on that
- cleared up the flowers I've let overgrow for the last god knows how many weeks

overall pretty basic things but necessary things! hoping to keep up playing more frequently now but with school who knows