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What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

I've been decorating and rearranging a picnic area the last little while, so I did a bit more of that today. After collecting some more mushrooms, I added a few of those in as well, just to add to the forest-y look. I'm happy with how it's coming along so far :)

I also finally got a Mush DIY from a balloon earlier! I seem to be having a bit of bad luck with that lol.
  • usual grind of rock slappin', tree shakin', gift givin', etc. etc.
  • gullivarrr showed up today, so i humored him for the billionth time
  • pascal told me castles are just, like, houses that're wearing armour 😂
  • found and stored my mushrooms
  • watched octavian have a blast running through my flowers like an airplane
  • assessed a trilobite fossil that's going to look so feckin' amazing with my museum decor when it's finished
  • started working on chrissy's half of outside exterior again
Made my first online trades today! Everything went well and I got myself some hybrid flowers and some fruit trees so I can finally make a fruit stand and complete some DIYs! :')
  • Relocated all of my villager houses into set spots I had planned! This was so satisfying since they had been scattered about for the longest time, so it was nice to see them all align how I wanted them to
  • Dug up some fossils
  • Dug up excess flowers that spread while TTing
  • Dug up some rare mushrooms
  • Cleaned out my storage a bit
  • Caught a few maple leaves ♡
Finally got my campsite looking the way I wanted :) and got made a resting area with some beautiful hybrid flowers everywhere :)
Pretty big day today for my second day on my new island. Invited all three villagers from the mystery tours to my island, so Tom Nook should be getting the call from them tomorrow, donated all 15 things to Blathers to get the museum to start being built and cleaned up the rest of my lower part of my island in the same process, donated all the materials to get Timmy and Tommy's shop to start being built as well, paid of my home loan and planted all my new coconuts on every beach side of my island. Very busy, at least for me. 😂
I checked the mail today.

Picked mushrooms.

I replaced the pumpkin table and chair with a frozen table and chair. I put a customized magazine on it and an antique table next to it with another glass candle to represent wine. I moved the wedding candles a bit. I had an alt take some of the pumpkin furniture that I removed; am debating to remove some more. Might consider adding more wedding candles and farming for more maybe since they really look nice with my setup.

Tried to come up with ideas for my tavern but failed.

Gave coconuts to Graham, Merry and Judy today.

Ordered two friends some items they wanted.

Popped some balloons and plan on continuing for a bit more before shutting my game of for the night.

Not a lot was done in the game but I have some ideas for my island journal. I remember i had this program where you can brainstorm ideas and make a web or outline so I’m worked on that, got a little bit of the format for the next project started on and downloaded a new font for it.
☀ checked my mail
☀found my money rock
☀found my money tree
☀finished my cliffs for my little museum/neighborhood/moon area
☀moved the shop out of the way so i can put both able sisters and the shop in that area tomorrow
☀regular cleaning up (sticks, mushrooms, rocks, etc.)
☀made a little seashell path to my cute beach area thingy
☀talked to my villagers
☀let Rodeo move out (he's still in boxes!) gonna be looking for a new villager tomorrow yay!!
☀bought some clothes and sold stuff
☀checked my town rating for the first time in forever (im still 3 stars orl)
☀checked my campsite visitor (was a little old man goat by the name of billy)
☀cleaned out some doubles in my storage
☀made a tiny library. not quite sure where to put it yet tho
☀got three new diys (celeste, beach, and balloon)
I've finally caught up with all the new creatures for this month! Caught the Sea Pig a few minutes ago. Did some more balloon farming. I now have the Forest Wall, Mush Stool, Partition and table. Still feels like it's going to take forever trying to get all these mush DIYs.

Harry is also in boxes so I will have an empty plot tomorrow. Hoping to get Cyd while hopping. Tiffany, Katt and Muffy wouldn't be bad to run into either.
I got two more photos, one for pheobe and one from octavian. Pheobe also moved out so I'm doing some island hopping. My daughter done some island hopping as well and found Megan on her first try but didn't want her.
Nothing "too" exciting today.

  • Spent about an hour diving to get all the new sea creatures for the museum. Finally got all of them!
  • Randomly caught a Tuna off the pier and gave it directly to Blather's.
  • Spent some time with @Onyxcat catching shooting stars on my island and having a photoshoot on hers
  • Then she had to come back to my island again because she didn't talk to Sahara. :LOL:
  • Spent the next 2 hours wandering around taking pictures with villagers and of shooting stars.
november 3rd

🦌 checked the mail; got a geisha wig from gulliver!
🦌 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🦌 found mushrooms; 1 round, 2 flat and 2 elegant!
🦌 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🦌 caught a dab for beau
🦌 returned a lost book to zucker
🦌 commissioned monarch butterfly models from flick
🦌 sold stuff
🦌 got a pearl from pascal
🦌 sold turnips
🦌 did some fishing and diving
🦌 caught the last critter i needed for this month, which was the sea pig! just 5 more to go until i’ve completed my critterpedia c’:
🦌 checked the recycling bin; found a rusted part!
🦌 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🦌 checked the shops; got a guide shirt (green) from able’s!
🦌 completed some nook mile achievements
Figured out yesterday that I already had all the mermaid diy recipes. Yay! I thought I still had one to get.
Got Zell's photo. Broccolo is still holding out on me, and Ava has also been around longer than Zell.
Made a second character a few days ago, and just got the final room built.

Yep, twas a grind and a half. :)
Quite a good short day I think.
  • Gave Pecan, Tasha and Eugene a gift (Got Eugene's photo!)
  • Picked mushrooms, found extras that I overlooked the other day.
  • Went straight to island hopping right after. (Went for Cyd, came back with Dom after 37 tries.)
  • Cleaned up a bit of Harry's old yard. I have to figure out how I want to decorate for Dom's.
  • Farmed balloons for a bit. (No DIYs today...)
  • Ended the day off with a song from Mr. Slider, of his choosing, he picked DJ K.K.
I finally had beau move in today!! now I can start the tedious process of moving the rest of my villager plots to where I want them to be (currently 6/10 are where I need them) which will likely take me the rest of the week as I don't TT

I also did some little things around my island like gathering materials, crafting a few items, putting my ordered items where I wanted them, setting out pathways in a few areas, laying out some of the courtyard I'm making for the museum. lots of little things that still need to be done but my island is finally starting to feel like I'm actually making some progress developing it and having it the way I want
  • this most important tic of the day: i finally made a feckin' garden wagon. took me forever to get red cosmos :c
  • found and returned tank's bag; been so long since i've had to return a lost item that i completely forgot it was a feature
  • got the mush lamp DIY <3
  • organized all the flowers i'm looking to send to better homes
  • the usual daily grind
  • have half of my last loan saved up! almost completely done paying tom nook off for good holy moly
I was able to craft a couple mush stools to complement the mush table I made! Woot! I also moved in Ribbot and he's SOO CUTE! Planning to craft some mush partitions and mush logs when I get their diy's. 😊
I moved Marshall onto the island for my daughter.

I also realsied I was missing the last step of breeding blue roses, no wonder it was taking ages. Hopefully this week I'll have my first one.
Dis the usual grind stuff, and also binned a load of my inventory as I filled it. Sometimes you have to be harsh and just bin stuff, there's only so much room and mom's cushions are not using it.