What did you dream about?

I like reading about dreams and I wish I coukd draw sime of the dreams I have. Dreams tend to be odd. If I was a really good artist I'd draw mine.

Whenever I dream, I concentrate on my surroundings and what is happening though I still have no control of what happens

. I hate recurring nightmares xc but who doesn't

. Some of the stuff I see in my dreams are giant sized crocidiles, giant sized fish, other planets (i dont believe this means anything other than just a dream), an odd merge of past places I've lived in

Usually when I dream it's in a theme where either the sun is setting but not completely like a 5pmish look or night time. When I see people, their faces are usually blurred, but somehow i still recognize close people.

I've had good dreams like being in a bakery or mall full of bakeries where I could eat all of the sweets I can for free

or living in a neighborhood full of different giant sized fruit trees and flower variety and I can just walk into any home and pick whatever I want and eat or admire it without dangers. (love those dreams)

Then i have horrible dreams like falling into a dark deep lake full of a bunch of giant crocodiles trying to eat me as I try to swim upward to escape (usually a recurring them though a bit rarer now.)

I hate falling dreams, teeth falling dreams and death dreams

I fhink those death dreams reflect how I'd act though if I had time enough to react or think

I had a death dream were I was launched into space but the ship couldn't resist the gravity pressure so it kept constricting under the pressure and the air supply was getting shorter. one of the crew members said there was no way for us to make it back, so we just had to accept our fates. My dying thoughts were "is this really the end?" "I don't wanna go yet" and finally "Will I ever come back?" And the anxiety woke me up.

I started reflecting on that dream and wondering how many others had those same depressing thoughts before they died, for example some one who were stuck in a submarine or cave in and their air supply was diminishing. It made me depressed for a while. even when I think of it now. :, (

Made me question a lot of things too.

I always try and remember as much as I can when I dream because I like to reflect on them. good or bad.

I like hearing people's dreams too because I see dreams as a work of art. :)
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I had two dreams. During the first, I was riding a bus through a massive city at night. It seemed to go on for an unusually long time. During this time I would occasionally see myself in 3rd person, except my face appeared slightly different. Not horribly disfigured but just different for some reason. There were other people inside the bus, but they slowly began to disappear as the bus drove into the countryside. It was now morning in the bus, and that was when I woke up.

I decided to go back to sleep shortly after this.

I was now in a field, watching stars. They seemed to take on a pinkish color. Yet there was a mysterious object in the sky. It began to fly closer, revealing itself to be a classic flying saucer. This UFO proceeded to abduct me using its tractor beam. It was then I realized I was dreaming and decided to wake up (these kinds of dreams tend to be the prelude to sleep paralysis and that's never fun). I felt terrible upon waking up, possibly because I forced myself awake when my body wasn't ready, but got over it fairly quickly.
I had a nightmare the other night where I was fighting off monsters with a laser beam gun or something, but I got caught and they grabbed me. Then they slathered some grease or something down my back and I couldn’t get away, and that’s when I woke up because I must have died. :(
I watch too much wrestling, for I had a dream I became both the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the 24/7 champion and I was so proud of myself. Also, our neighborhood was invaded and our invaders made us all work together to do these tasks/games like we were all in a video game or something.

I dreamt that I was a character in "The Simpsons" and that Nelson got a crush on me,
but Bart as well and then they kept on fighting for me and at the end I got with Nelson.. :'D

Background of the dream is probably, that as a kid I used to have a "crush" on Nelson
and later it was Bart.. xD
I've been having weird dreams about houses and decorating lately. The other night I dreamt that my husband and I were on some reality TV show (I don't even watch those things and would never go on one). We were sent to a house with a bunch of other couples and each couple had to redecorate the room they were assigned to stay in. In our room, the walls were covered in this hideous green and gold fabric. Apparently, that was the one thing we weren't allowed to change. I broke down crying, saying we'd never win because I couldn't do anything with that room while our neighbors ended up with a nice, plain room to work with so they could get away with doing pretty much anything. I was so upset and my husband was no help. He didn't even want to be there.

Then, last night, I had a dream that I was buying a house with my husband's cousin. Not sure why she was in the dream since we only see her on major holidays and I'm not that close to her, but oh well. We were going through the rooms, trying to decide if we wanted to buy the house when my husband's entire extended family showed up unexpectedly for a party. The house was huge, but there were so many people they completely filled it up. Then, the owners of the house showed up with the paperwork for us to sign. I was so embarrassed by all the people running amok in their home that I felt obligated to buy it. I started to sign the paperwork when one of the guys asked if I was keeping the pink sofa. I looked at this massive, ugly pink couch and all I wanted to do was get rid of it, but the guy seemed like he would be really hurt and offended if I didn't keep it, so I agreed to that, too.
It was really strange.. I was literally just sitting in my garden and then the neighbours
cat was visiting my garden. I was not even understand at first if it was a dream or not. :D

I didn't see the cat for a long time, since it seems like they are in holidays for over a month already, lol.
Was scared that I might see the cat at the shelter, but they seem to be decent enough to not give
her up for holidays. :)
This morning I had a dream that I was browsing through MoriDB and found a Victorian style pull chain toilet that would be perfect for my new town. Then, I woke up, realized such a thing doesn't exist and got disappointed. :(
i dreamed about opening animal crossing and as soon as i did there were two hackers there (gate wasn't open, logic people) and i had to get a new 3ds because they hacked mine (??)
I dreamed that I was in New York and the zombie apocalypse was happening while Jump Up Superstar from Mario Odyssey was playing in the backround.
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I had a weird dream where I was at the house of someone I used to like. To distract them and their bf I put my playlist of commercials and shows on the TV. I then somehow found a secret tunnel that lead to the fourth floor of their house, and when I got there I read a sign that said “fourth floor off limits to all visitors”. I managed to take a peek at their room and another room, and I was about to go back into the secret tunnel when I woke up.

Yeah, idk why I had this dream so don’t ask me... lmao
Not necessarily a nightmare but I keep having dreams of creepy/scary things ;___;
Not necessarily a nightmare but I keep having dreams of creepy/scary things ;___;
I'm sorry that you've been having creepy dreams.
It also reminds me of that I recently (although not last night) had a dream about being in the home of a family and some haunting happened there. The house also kind of reminded me of my friend's dad's house, especially a certain room I visited.
Not necessarily a nightmare but I keep having dreams of creepy/scary things ;___;

Same here. I posted on a thread that I made here that I'm pretty sure I have OCD, and that could explain my vivid, horrid dreams that I've had over the last several nights... :(
Last night, I dreamt that I was a school teacher/bus driver and it was my last day before retirement even though I don't think I was any older than I am now. I was really excited about it being my last day and left for work with a smile on my face. I was taking a bunch of kids on a field trip, but we ended up all being held captive in some ruins deep in the forest by this odd species. They had human heads and torsos, but insect abdomens. Their queen was much larger with an abdomen that was literally the size of a building and all covered in purple, gold, and black hair. I remember thinking that she was beautiful. The creatures were not mean to us, but they would not let us leave. The queen kept saying that she was waiting for something and that once it happened she and her people would disappear back into the wild and we would be free.

I was aware that a lot of time passed, but I don't know how much. It could have been months or years. I was walking with one of the students late one night, a quiet teenage girl that reminded me of myself. It was really dark and then suddenly one of the guards shone a lantern right in our faces. The girl was frightened and hid her face at first, but then she stopped cowering and started talking. I can't remember anything she said, but it was obvious that she was standing up for herself. Then, the queen appeared and cradled us in her arms. She said that was what she had been waiting for.

Then, my alarm woke me up.
Ok,i dreamt WAY cooler.

Younger me was watching a roleplay i made as a tv show. Its tech prevails and it looked kewl to watch. I went outside and played in the woods. A wolf grabbed meby the back of my shirt and carried me off. I was raised by the wolf idk how, but then.... MY LIFE BECAME MY CHARACTER (lina) in tech prevails.... U gotta go on discordand i will give da link to s 8, my character sacrificed herself to save the world and is now the mother of all rps bc i appear in all of em somehow lol

Anyway..... Sweetdreams
I had a dream my youngest brother did not graduate high school and got held back to the 5th grade. If that doesn't tell you what I think of him, I don't know what will. I also had a dream of playing tamagotchi for the 100th time whyyyy.