I've kind of been posting aimlessly and just talking so could someone explain to me what exactly I'm supposed to do. Also, how do I get more tbt? I see people with hundreds and I only have 20
Tbt was confusing to me as well when I started out haha. But here are just the basics that I think is necessary to know:
100 tbt = 8 - 15million igb (Or atleast it should be, correct me if I'm wrong)
The pricing system doesn't usually go by 1 tbt, 4 tbt or anything lower than at least 50 tbt if you're looking to trade for igb. In other words, 50 tbt is equivalent to 5 million igb. Sorry if this is confusing (igb = in game bells // btb = bell tree bells or more commonly, tbt)
Earning tbt isn't much of an issue for those who sell and post frequently. You can always open shops and sell unwanted items (villagers and unorderables sell best), or in the brewster's cafe section, you can hop into a bunch of random discussions aside from animal crossing and earn a lot of tbt from there. I hope this helps !
You could just post questions about acnl or invite people to play with you. You can also set up a shop and exchange bells for services, hold giveaways, hangout with others and play games.